Query databases using SQL

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM132404042

Complex SQL Queries

Write and run SQL statements to complete the following tasks

1. Show sums of line units for each invoice.
2. Show the details of the products that do not have a value for the attribute v_code.
3. Show the details of the invoices whose subtotal is greater than 24 but less than 76.
4. Show the details of the invoice who has the minimum subtotal.
5. Show the codes and names of the vendors who supplied products.
6. Using EXCEPT show the codes of the vendors who did not supply any products.
7. Using 'NOT IN' show the codes and names of the vendors who did not supply any products.
8. List the names and codes of vendors and the number of products each vendor has supplied, i.e. vendor XXX has supplied xxx products, and vendor YYY has supplied yyy products etc.
9. Show the details of the employees who are located in area code 615.
10. Using inner join, list the details of the products whose line price is greater than 99.

You are required to submit:

1. The SQL statements for each query, which should be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file. If you type .echo on at the SQLite3 Command Line, SQLite will output your SQL statement with the results of the query making it easy to copy and paste both.

2. The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query. If you used an output file please submit only the output file.

Verified Expert

The task of the assignment is to query the given SQLite database.The assignment contains more than 10 question for which queries are written and the output are documented. The assignment involves query based on except, in, not in and inner join. The queries are executed in the SQLite database.

Reference no: EM132404042

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