Reference no: EM13869187
The need for outcomes, learning statements is requested and evidence to support the learning statement. Four learning statements for each outcome and each must be supported by evidence. I work in a manufacturing facility as an electrician maintaining electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic and thermal supported automatic controlled equipment. One can review past assignment as reference it needed to resemble curriculum vitae. A learning statement addresses learning outcomes by including an explanation and example of how the learning outcome has been met. It should include how one has applied that knowledge to understand the principles in the outcome, how it helped to solve a problem, and then include evidence to support it. The learning statement shows the relationship of the outcome to the evidence (the discipline is Bachelor of Science- Electronic Technology-Instrumentation)
Outcome 1- Demonstrate the ability to understand and use quantitative expression in the natural sciences.
1. Determine the types of data needed, the instrumentation needed to record the data, and the documentation, analysis, and presentation of results.
Four learning statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
Outcome 2- Demonstrate the application of algebra and higher mathematics to problem solving in technology areas.
- Recognize and identify the mathematics used in problem-solving experiences
- Apply the fundamentals of mathematics to either course work, job, or other life experiences
Four learning Statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
Outcome 3- Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communications.
- Demonstrate the ability to organize and be concise in written communication.
- Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate knowledge of technical concepts.
Four learning Statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
Outcome 4- Demonstrate an ability to understand professional, ethical, and social responsibilities including the impact of culture, diversity, and interpersonal relationships.
- Demonstrate comprehension of ethical issues
- Discuss how culture, diversity, and interpersonal issues relate to professional, ethical, and social life
Four learning Statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
Outcome 5- Demonstrate computer usage in the technical specialty area including technical problem solving.
- Discuss how the computer application was used to solve a particular problem, including the rational for choosing that software.
Four learning Statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
Outcome 6- Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems in the technical specialty area.
- Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of fundamental technical concepts discussed in course work used to solved particular problems
- Identify and describe experiences that demonstrate problem solving skills in technical specialty areas
Four learning Statements
Evidence to support each learning statement
All evidence in support of a learning statement are to be in the form of a document, examples are a report that maybe written that demonstrates one knowledge or competence; a circuit diagram, a system flow chart, entity-relation diagram or computer source code; professional certificate or license that was earned; a completed course assignment or term paper.
All learning statements are approximately 150-200 words each (24 learning statements) about 3600-4800 words
All evidence to support are approximately 150-200 words each (24 evidence to support) 3600-4800 words
Total 7200-9600 words