Reference no: EM132919346
Throughout their history, community colleges have embraced the opportunity to support their local communities with quality higher education and workforce training. Through the governance of a local, regional, or state-level board, the institutions have thrived or struggled. This unit explores the roles of community college leaders, governing boards, external agencies, and media relations.
Respond to the case scenario as a college leader addressing the issue threatening the institution's accreditation. Answer the questions as a community college leader and explain your answers.
Case Scenario
You receive a memorandum from your college's faculty union president informing you that she is directing faculty not to comply with your request to address the recommendations from the previous college accreditation report because labor negotiations have been stalled. The accrediting commission has given college leadership six months to submit a report that details how the college is complying with the recommendations.
What issues does the scenario create? What leadership competencies are involved? Who should be involved in addressing the situation? What actions would you take? Are there lessons to be learned? (Boggs & McPhail, 2016).
Boggs, G., & McPhail, C. (2016). Practical leadership in community colleges: Navigating today's challenges. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.