Quality assurance of the project

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Reference no: EM133223808

Case Study

Bobs Construction Company Inc. was awarded a contract by a local municipality to replace a small bridge over a waterway in the downtown area. The bridge was historically significant. The city requirements called for specific design criteria, to include four decorative lampposts, one on each corner of the bridge. The lampposts were to be mounted on concrete foundations by four large bolts that would be set in the concrete, pass through matching holes in the base plates of the lamp posts, and be secured by large nuts concealed by a decorative cover. Because of the historical significance, a grand opening was scheduled, complete with bands, official speakers of note, and festive decorations. The final installation was a simple matter. The lampposts would be lowered in place and secured beginning at 9:00 a.m. with the commemorative events to begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. On the day of dedication, everything was ready. Decorations were in place, the bands were assembling, and local officials were glad-handing the arriving crowd. In the background, a Bob Inc. crane lifted the first lamppost into place. The lamppost rose above the concrete foundation and slowly settled over the bolts. Almost, that is. When the base plate met the bolts, it stopped. An engineer quickly moved forward to guide the plate over the bolts, but he could not make a match. He pushed forward, he pushed to the right, he pushed to the left, all to no avail. It seemed the holes in the base plate did not match the placement of the bolts in the foundation. Without the lampposts, the bridge could not be opened for traffic. The event was called off and the lampposts were returned to the shop for new base plates that matched the configuration of the bolts in the foundations. The lampposts were subsequently installed without incident and the bridge was opened without ceremony. 


  1. Provide an analysis of where the quality assurance of the project was a failure. 
  2. Provide some lessons learned from the experience so that employees of the business can learn from the mistakes made in this project. 
  3. Provide some insights as to what the net effect of using a good quality assurance plan could have been in this project.

Reference no: EM133223808

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