Qualities and abilities of entrepreneurship

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133333653


Explain FIVE qualities and abilities of an entrepreneurship should have as an owner or manager of a business enterprise who takes risks or makes money through risk and initiative.

Reference no: EM133333653

Questions Cloud

Two basic types of research : What are the two basic types of research? Is business venture research worth the expense? What are some common misconceptions about research?
Key tangible and intangible resources : Evaluate some of the key tangible and intangible resources and core competencies within your company
Sleep beverage presents for increasing cash flow : What is the financial opportunity that a new sleep beverage presents for increasing cash flow, profits and topline revenue to a company like Polar Beverage.
Rivian focuses on development and production : Rivian focuses on the development and production of electric vehicles, but they focus on the adventure market.
Qualities and abilities of entrepreneurship : Explain FIVE qualities and abilities of an entrepreneurship should have as an owner or manager of a business enterprise who takes risks
Venture philanthropy and e-philanthropy : Philanthropy and new approaches in giving like 'venture philanthropy' and e-philanthropy.
Possess deeper understanding about sustainability : Most business do not possess a deeper understanding about sustainability.
Entrepreneurship plays important role : Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the creation and growth of businesses, as well as in the growth and prosperity of regions and nations.
Home made soap bar business : explain its advantage and disadvantages for home made soap bar business can do to improve their business.


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