Reference no: EM132505862 , Length: word count:1500
Qualitative Research Methods For Public Health
Assessment: Investigation Report
Experiences of International Students in Australia
Question 1. What are the experiences of the international students who came for higher education in Australia?
Question 2. What are your experiences related to the education in Australia?
Question 3. What were your expectations prior arrival to Australia?
Question 4. What is the difference in the education pattern in your home country and that in Australia?
Question 5. What difficulties you have experienced in Australia in relation to the education system?
This assessment involves preparing a report with data analysis/discussion of interviews and a brief presentation.
There are two steps for this assignment. Part A involves writing a report and Part B involves a 10 minute presentation in class.
Assessment 3A advances skills in analysing and reporting qualitative data, and reflexivity of practice. Key understanding includes how to generate meaning from qualitative data, how to report the results of qualitative analysis, and how to reflect on one's own performance to identify strengths and opportunities for growth. The assessment prepares students for an important task common to the public health practitioner role.
Analysis: Use the resources in module six to:
1. Code the data that you collect from your interviewees.
2. Develop themes based on your coding.
3. Report on the themes that you've identified, supported by relevant quotes from your interviewees. Report this part in the same style as the results section of a qualitative journal article.
Reflection: reflect on your experience of interviewing and analysing the data. What did you do well, and what did you struggle with? What could you learn to do better? What did you learn through this experience?
Assessment Criteria:
• Ability to interpret and analyse data, and report the results appropriately
• Reflection upon the interview experience and demonstrates reflexivity
• Use of academic conventions
You need to focus on lifestyle modification techniques in your literature review to justify your research question. You have a good research questions that you can examine with your selected participants. But it has to be justified with appropriate literature.
The interview questions, especially the first 5 need to be modified to suit a qualitative interview. These questions are survey questions and the interview questions have to be open ended.
In this assignment you need to write a brief background, research question, Methodology, Coding and theaming for the answers you got from the interview you have done for 4 participants. Then write the results, interpretation and conclusion.
Please do the interview questions for the four participants and write down the answers by using codes and themes. And also provide with the coding and themes for atleast 2 interviews.
The background, research question and methodology should be just total 400 words.
Write the results interpretation and conslusion. Result should be what your participant said and intreprataion, how can you make the sense of the answers that we got from participants.
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