Qiestion about update statement

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1379019

A table namedPoints varchar(81) has values stored in a column named Point. There are two columns in the Points table, X and Y. Here is the code that constructed the table:
,Point varchar(81) NOT NULL
,X decimal(38,10) NULL
,Y decimal(38,10) NULL
INSERT dbo.POINTS (Point) VALUES ('(45.123,22.5)')
INSERT dbo.POINTS (Point) VALUES ('(7.95,3.45)')
INSERT dbo.POINTS (Point) VALUES ('(100.2,15.498)')

I need a query using an UPDATE statement to populate X and Y from Point. THe data on the left side of the comma is X and on the right side of the comma is Y. I am guessing that either Substring or Charindex would beused but I am not sure.


Reference no: EM1379019

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