Q1 write a menu-driven program that maintains an address

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347849

Q1. Write a menu-driven program that maintains an address book using a linked list. The address book must supports the following operations:

Add record

Get the following information from the user:
Name, Telephone, Cell Phone, Email, Home Address, Office Address Insert the record in the linked list.

Delete record

Get a string from the user. Find and display all matching records, one by one, ask if the user would like to delete the record being displayed. Delete the record if user agrees, move to the next matching record otherwise. Make sure to free the memory space of the record being deleted.

Delete all records

Delete all records from the address book. Make sure to free the memory space of all the records.

Find record

Get a string from the user. Find and display all matching records, one by one. Wait for the user to press a key to continue. A matching record is one that has any field containing the string in question as a substring.

Display all records

Display all records in the address book one by one. Before displaying the next record, wait for the user to press a key to continue.

Reference no: EM13347849

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