Q1 a patient has an 80 percent blockage of his left

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Reference no: EM13352175

Q.1) A patient has an 80 percent blockage of his left anterior descending coronary artery. Describe what occurs in terms of myocardial oxygen provide and demand if his sympathetic nervous system is stimulated.

2) A patient lost a lot of blood during surgery and his blood pressure dropped from 120/80 to 90/50. Describe how the kidneys respond to this change in blood pressure.

3) A pregnant patient comes into a clinic and asks about a small dark bulge that is becoming more apparent on her leg. What is it and what caused it?

4) Mrs. Gray, a 50-year-old mother of seven children, is complaining of dull, aching pains in her legs. She reports that they have been getting progressively worse as the birth of her last child. Throughout her physical examination, numerous varicosities are seen in both legs. How are varicosities recognized? What veins are most likely involved? What pathologic changes have occurred in these veins, and what is the most possible cause in this patient's case?

5) As the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progresses, some individuals develop persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. Explain why this could occur.

6) A nurse palpated enlarged lymph nodes. Illustrate signs and symptoms that help to distinguish cancerous lymph nodes from infected lymph nodes.

7) A man involved in a traffic accident is rushed to the emergency room of a hospital with severe internal bleeding. Examination reveals a ruptured spleen. What is the treatment of choice and what is the likely long-term outcome (prognosis)?

8) A mother takes her son to the doctor and describes the following symptoms that she has observed. The child is running a fever, has flu-like symptoms, and his lymph glands are very swollen and sore to the touch. Of what meaning are the swollen and sore lymph glands?

9) After receiving penicillin intravenously, a 32-year-old male patient has an anaphylactic reaction. The nurse understands that therapeutic management includes what critical items?

10) A physician orders Tylenol for a temperature greater than 101 degrees F. The patient's temperature is 100.4 F. explains rationale for not medicating a fever of 100.4 F.

11) A woman comes into the hospital emergency room complaining that she is having problems swallowing and her neck is swelling. She was involved in an automobile accident a couple days ago but only bruised her neck. What might be the problem?

12) A 36-year-old man enters a hospital in a much debilitated condition. He has purple-brown skin lesions (a symptom of Kaposi's sarcoma) and a persistent cough. A physical examination reveals swollen lymph nodes, and laboratory tests find a very low lymphocyte count. Information taken during the personal history reveals that he has multiple sex partners with whom he frequently engages in unprotected sex. What is probable to be the man's problem and what is his outlook?

Reference no: EM13352175

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