Reference no: EM13165089
Question:python errors, please correct them that are located in this program,
class Television:
""" This class defines methods for a television """
def __init__ (self):
""" This part constructs the initail value of the television """
self._powerOn = False
self._muted = False
self._volume = 5
self._channel = 2
self._prevChan = 2
def togglePower (self):
""" Turns power on and off"""
self._powerOn = not self._powerOn
def toggleMute (self):
""" Turns the volume on and off """
if self._powerOn:
self._muted = not self._muted
def volumeUp (self):
""" Turns the volume up """
if self._powerOn:
if self._volume < 10:
self._volume += 1
self._muted = False
return self._volume
def volumeDown (self):
""" Turns the volume down"""
if self._powerOn:
if self._volume > 0:
self._volume -= 1
self._muted = False
return self._volume
def channelUp (self):
""" Turns the channel up"""
if self._powerOn:
self._prevChan = self._channel # record the current value
if self._channel == 99:
self._channel = 2 # wrap around to minimum
self._channel += 1
return self._channel
def channelDown (self):
""" Turns the channel down"""
if self._powerOn:
self._prevChan = self._channel # record the current value
if self._channel == 2:
self._channel = 99 # wrap around to maximum
self._channel -= 1
return self._channel
def setChannel (self, number):
"""sets the channel from a given a number """
if self._powerOn:
if 2 <= number <= 99:
self._prevChan = self._channel # record the current value
self._channel = number
return self._channel
def jumpPrevChannel (self):
""" returns to the previous channel """
if self._powerOn:
incoming = self._channel
self._channel = self._prevChan
self._prevChan = incoming
return self._channel
def isPowerOn (self):
""" It returns true or false if the power is on"""
return self._powerOn
def isMuted (self):
""" It returns true or false if the volume on"""
if self._powerOn:
return self._muted
def getVolume (self):
""" returns the volume"""
if self._powerOn:
return self._volume
def getChannel (self):
""" returns the channel"""
if self._powerOn:
return self._channel
def getPrevChannel (self):
""" returns the previous channel """
if self._powerOn:
return self._prevChan
def __str__ (self):
""" This function prints-out the tv information"""
display = 'Power setting is currently ' + str(self._powerOn) +'\n'
display += 'Channel setting is currently ' + str(self._channel) +'\n'
display += 'Volume setting is currently ' + str(self._volume) +'\n'
display += 'Mute is currently ' + str(self._muted)
return display
def main():
TV1 = Television()
if '__name__' == '__main__':
#* Testing of toggling the television object on and off.
#* Testing of toggling muted on and off.
if not TV1.isPowerOn() == False:
print ('Error in settings: your TV is on by default')
if not TV1.isMuted() == False:
print (' Error : your TV is muted by defualt')
#* Testing of turning up the volume.
if not TV1.getvolumeUp() == 6:
print("Error: Volume is not incrementing + 1")
for i in range (5):
#* Testing of turning up the volume when volume is already the maximum.
if not TV1.getvolumeUp() == 10:
print("Error: warning volume level is over max")
#* Testing of turning up the volume when volume is muted.
if not TV1.getvolume() + 1 == 6:
if not TV1.isMuted() == False:
print("Error: Volume is not increasing after Mute")
#* Testing of turning down the volume when volume is muted.
if not TV1.volumeDown() - 1 == 5:
print("Error: Volume is not increasing after Mute")
if not TV1.volumeUp() == getVolume() + 1:
print("Volume not increasing after mute")
if not TV1.getChannel() == 2:
print ('Error: Default channel is set to wrong value')
#* Testing of turning up the channel.
if not TV1.getChannel() == 3:
print ('Error: Channel is not incrementing + 1')
#* Testing up the channel when channel number is already the maximum.
if not TV1.getChannel() == 2:
print ('Error: channelUp() exceeds max')
if not TV1.getChannel() == 99:
print ('Error: channelDown() does not wrap back to 99')
if not TV1.getChannel() == 98:
print ('Error: Channel is not decrementing - 1')
#* Testing of setting channel directly.
if not TV1.getChannel() == 5:
print("Error: Channel not setting directly to channel")
if not TV1.getPrevChannel() == 2:
print("Error: invalu previous channel")
if not TV1.getChannel() == 5:
print("Error: Invalid channels are being allowed")
if not TV1.getPrevChannel() == 2:
print("Error: invalu previous channel")
#* Testing of using jumpPrevChannel () method.
if not TV1.getPrevChannel() == 5:
print ("Error: ")
if not TV1.getChannel() == 2:
print(" Error: getchannel is not jumpPrevChannel")
TV2 = Television()
if not TV2.isMuted() == False:
print("Error: Tv togglemute is invale")
TV2 = Television()
if not TV2.getvolume() == 5:
print("Error: TV volume is not incrementing + 1")
TV2 = Television()
if not TV2.volumeDown() == 5:
print("Error: TV volume should not be on")
if not TV2.getChannel() == 2:
print ('Error: ')
if not TV2.getChannel() == 2:
print ('Error:')
if not TV2.getChannel() == 2:
if not TV2.getPrevChannel() == 2:
if not TV2.getPrevChannel() == 2:
print ("")
if not TV2.getChannel() == 2:
print(" Error: ")