Pursues effectiveness and uses of biomedical data

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133639750


A healthcare informatic is a person who studies and pursues the effectiveness and uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge of scientific inquiry, problem solving, decision making, motivated by efforts to improve human health. The two job descriptions I researched on was a decision support system analyst and a consumer health informatic specialist. AS I compared the two they did have many of the same job descriptions. For example, a decision analyst reviews, analyzes, evaluates the user needs, historical data and data modeling. AS for the consumer health informatics job description is similar, they gather, store, analyze, interpret data, manage patient data, and manages the public health information system. A large part of these job titles all share on common and that's the use of technology in the healthcare system. I never heard of this role and honestly it seems like it would be interesting.

Reference no: EM133639750

Questions Cloud

Identifying research methodologies : brief description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach.
Describe how these health care related service experiences : Describe how these health care related service experiences have contributed to your desire to become a nurse.
Alzheimer disease from other causes of dementia : What are the newest imaging modalities that might help to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from other causes of dementia?
Significant expense for any business : I today economy utility have become a significant expense for any business,should utilities be managed as a supply chain resource?
Pursues effectiveness and uses of biomedical data : A healthcare informatic is a person who studies and pursues the effectiveness and uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge of scientific inquiry
Type of group of psychotropic medications : This can include any type of group of psychotropic medications you consider you will use more in your future practice.
Engagement in reflective scholarly practice : How can self-motivation, engagement in reflective scholarly practice, and receptiveness to feedback and critique from peers
What was cause of failure of the healthcare organization : What was the cause of the failure of the healthcare organization? Provide details from cited, reputable sources.
Breach in infection control and risk management strategies : Discuss with the supervisor/assessor the breach in infection control and risk management strategies and steps you would take to rectify the situation


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