Purpose of the give me a break insurance system

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM133446561

Question: The purpose of the Give Me a Break Insurance system is to find the lowest cost automotive insurance solution for car owners. The following narrative gives you the description of the system: A customer fills out an insurance application. A driver's traffic record is requested and received from the local police department. A vehicle registration is requested and received from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. From time to time, proposed policies are sent in by various insurance companies. These policies outline what the insurance company will charge for each risk profile. The agent reviews the policies in order to select the best policy for the type an level of coverage desired by the customer and then creates an insurance policy proposal and quote which is sent to the customer If the customer accepts the quote, he or she pays the initial premium and the system sends back an insurance coverage statement (a card to be carried at all times when driving a vehicle). A customer confirmation is also sent to the insurance company. At this time a new customer record is created


1)Level 0 DFD 

2)One Level 1 DFD for one of the processes in the level 0 DFD

Reference no: EM133446561

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