Reference no: EM132311714
Assignment - Complete Report:
1. Task Description
You are required to read the provided Case Study document (on MySCU) and complete each of the activities and questions in the weeks advised.
The answers to all activities and questions are to be collected in one "Systems Requirements Report" with a title page, page numbers, table of contents, headings and all other report formatting.
The purpose of the full System Requirements Report is to guide and enable your fictional client to make a rational selection from options for a proposed computer application.
The Initial Investigation part of this report has been completed in Part A of this assignment.
Part B includes other sections and models to complete the full Systems Requirements Report. For example, you will need to complete, and add to Part A, the following:
• Fact Finding Documents
• Use Cases
• ERD and Domain Model Class Diagrams
• System Sequence Diagrams
• Project Management Charts with progress against tasks
• Conclusions and Recommendations.
Note: you are encouraged to use feedback from Part A to improve your report before submission of the full System Requirements Report. Please indicate changes made in response to feedback using highlighted text and/or commenting.
You will also be required to make a presentation as part of this unit. Specific Topics will be released separately, but note that your presentation will be based on a detailed consideration on an aspect of this process.
Attachment:- Assignment1-Report.rar