Purpose of mitosis is growth and to restore worn out cells

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133058906

Discussion: Mitosis

Mitosis is a process where one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The purpose of mitosis is growth and to restore worn out cells. During the mitosis if the cell is not corrected in time it can change the DNA that can lead to genetic disorders. Mitosis is branched into five phase: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis is a continuous cycle that reproduces which defines that growth occur only through mitosis.

Cells are so different than other because cells divide all the time, meaning that one cell is able to become the trillions of cells just by dividing which is differentiation. A few exceptions would be cells contain the same genetic information, but differ in the role they play. The homologous chromosomes have the same length and specific nucleotide segments in the same location. Genes determine specific characteristics by coding for specific protein, whereas traits are the different forms of a characteristic. Example would be gene sequence of the human blood type: A, B, and O. Due to egg and sperm cells there are two copies of the chromosome that determines blood type which is determined by two versions of the marker gene inherits with sequences being AA, BB, OO, or AB. When a baby is born with jaundice, what is the cause?

Reference no: EM133058906

Questions Cloud

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Purpose of mitosis is growth and to restore worn out cells : Mitosis is a process where one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The purpose of mitosis is growth and to restore worn out cells.
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