Purpose of having good quality of direct client work

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133153197

CAS203 Principles of Case Management

Discussion questions:

What constitutes working with communities in contemporary Australia?

What is the purpose of having good quality of direct client work?

Select one of the core elements listed and provide examples of how a practitioner would ensure they are carried out to a high standard in practice.

Discussion Activities

Can you identify a community service that you received service from at some stage in your life? (e.g.: Centrelink, immigration, hospital services etc.)

What were the important things that you remember about this community agency?

Can you describe some experiences of being a client of that community service?

Reference no: EM133153197

Questions Cloud

What is the total cost of product x : A Corp produces main products X anu Y. Units produced are 4,000 and 1,000 units, What is the total cost of product X
What advice would you give the client : What advice would you give the client to enable them to access their personal information
Determine the annual payment : Determine the annual payment on a $15,000 loan that is to be amortized over a four-year period and carries a 10% interest rate
What is the break-even volume : Ontario Radiology Group plans to invest in a new CT scanner. The group estimates $1,500 net revenue per scan. What is the break-even volume
Purpose of having good quality of direct client work : What constitutes working with communities in contemporary Australia - What were the important things that you remember about this community agency
What is approximate allocation rate for housekeeping costs : Using the direct method of cost allocation, what is the approximate allocation rate for housekeeping costs (round to the nearest cent)
What is the benefit of flagging over omission : Briefly explain what is the benefit of Flagging over Omission? in data analytics
Representatives in government offices : Given the disconnect between those representatives in government offices who make healthcare policy and those in the healthcare industry who are required to imp
Build rapport and empathy with the client : Develop an action plan/case plan following to support the client - Demonstration of active listening, reflecting, and understanding of client needs


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