Purpose of alternative dispute resolution

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13933659

Part A: Group Presentation

In groups of 4 and using PowerPoint, outline and assess the various responsibilities which the law imposes on employers' in respect of their employees.

A copy of the presentation assessment criteria is on page 4 of this document. Each person in the group MUST present for five minutes and a copy of the slides should be given to the assessor prior to the presentation. Although it is a group presentation, each student will receive an individual mark. Presentations will be assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria on page 4.

Part B: 2,500 word Written Report

(i) Evaluate the purpose of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and, with particular reference to the services provided by Acas, assess to what extent it is a successful means of resolving disputes outside the formal judicial process.

(ii) Explain why European Union law takes precedence over domestic law in the United Kingdom.

Reference no: EM13933659

Questions Cloud

Significant changes to the structure or wording : Proved a plain English 'translation' of the term you chose in (i) above or another term. The words you use should be clear to most English speaking adults. Feel free to make significant changes to the structure or wording and to use everyday langu..
Current business article-illustrating market failure : Choose a current business article from October or November 2014 (any country) that illustrates market failure (lack of competition or negative externality). Make sure your chosen article is about a market not one company.
Apply project management learnings and techniques : As a small project team (3 - 4 members) you are to look at an Oil and Gas project (Option 1: Solar Panels OR Option 2: Knowledge Management System) and to apply project management learnings and techniques to deliver the following milestone:
Prepare a schedule of cost of goods sold : Prepare a multi step income statement.
Purpose of alternative dispute resolution : Evaluate the purpose of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and, with particular reference to the services provided by Acas, assess to what extent it is a successful means of resolving disputes outside the formal judicial process.
Plot configuration for proper catenary model : Determine the length L of cable required and plot its configuration for the two cases of (a) assuming a parabolic shape and (b) using the proper catenary model.
Define reasons that abstinence from sex should be encouraged : The Developing Person addresses homosexual youth. Review the article by Mark Yarhouse posted above on the three-tier distinction between same-sex attraction, homosexual orientation, and gay identity.
How would you interpret various partial slope coefficients : What might be the rationale for the introduction of the "employed civilian labor force" (X6) in the demand function? How would you interpret the various partial slope coefficients? Obtain OLS estimates of the preceding model
Prepare the necessary closing entries at the end : Prepare the necessary closing entries at the end of 2013, and post them to the appropriate T-accounts.


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