Public sector unions protect employees of government

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Reference no: EM133376842

Public sector unions protect employees of the government. Public sector employees pay, benefits, and working conditions are subject to government regulation. Private sector employees are any employee that is hired by a private company in a non-government related job. Private sector unions have a significant advantage over public sector unions when working to improve employee benefits. Public sector unions have more protections, and laws, giving them bargaining power. Private sector unions negotiate through collective bargaining with companies to get better benefits for employees. Public sector unions have to lobby legislators to get pay, and wage increases. Public sector employees are mostly on a designated wage scale provided by the the government budget. Some are lobbying to have performance based pay for high performing individuals in government jobs. For example some believe that teachers should be compensated more if they are providing greater value to the institution. Teachers unions have been successful at getting merit based pay in some regions (Brody, 2017). Employees are motivated to work harder knowing that it could provide them with increased benefits. Currently in public unions several employees are no longer paying union dues. Some state laws are providing protections to employees making it harder for public unions to collect dues. Several unions like the Teachers Union no longer deduct union dues automatically from their paychecks (Why won't government workers pay their union dues?, 2011). Currently civil servants have protections that make it harder to fire them. This leads to a significant amount of unproductive people working in government. Employees are less likely to be productive at their government jobs if they do not support the current administration. President Trump realized this issue and pushed to pass legislation that would make it easier to fire civil servants based upon merit (Duehren, 2020).

Reference no: EM133376842

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