Public health practice in the cross-cultural community

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Reference no: EM133526623 , Length: word count:2000

Public Health Practice in the Cross-Cultural Community

Assessment Overview

Assessment 1 - Case Study

The first assessment task is a case study of about 2000 words that you will complete on an individual basis. The case study will require you to address a topic which must be approved by the unit coordinator.

If you are enrolled in PBHL20010 this term and plan to complete PBHL20009 next term, you will complete this assessment over the two units. In other words, you will continue your work on the case study next term to produce a major piece of research. Your mark this term will be based on the first half of the case study that you will complete this term.

If you are completing the first part of the case study (that is, you are enrolled in PBHL20010 but have not yet taken PBHL20009), you will prepare an overview, or case, about the issue in the your community, the population or group most affected, the characteristics of this group that are most relevant in planning public health initiatives to address the issue, the agencies or institutions involved in addressing the issue, and an evaluation of existing initiatives that can be found in the literature.

For your chosen topic, you will need to research the scholarly literature as well as information available from organizations like the AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) and other government and non-government agencies. Please keep in mind that this case study must relate only and specifically to a community of your choice, so you will need to limit your literature to material that addresses the situation here. Your case study must have the following sections: 1) Introduction -- outlines the issue and its magnitude in the community of your choice; 2) Population at Risk - describes the specific segments of the population that are most affected (you will need to consider age, gender, linguistic/cultural background, place of residence, occupational category, and so forth, but keep in mind that not all of these categories will be relevant for every issue above and you may need to consider other categories. It is recommended that you begin with age and then determine what other characteristics contribute to risk.); 3) Planning Initiatives - describes the specific characteristics of the risk groups identified that would be useful in planning initiatives to address the issue and how health promotion activities could be tailored to the risk groups; 4) Review of Existing Initiatives - discusses and evaluates existing initiatives reported in the literature to address the issue, including your own view on why they were or were not successful. This section must also note the organizations or agencies involved in addressing the issue, including whether these are government bodies, NGOs, private organizations, and so forth.

If you are completing the second part of the case study (that is, you are enrolled in PBHL20010 and have successfully completed PBHL20009),you will be continuing the case study you submitted for assessment in PBHL20009. You will work on three additional sections that will continue the development of your chosen case topic. These sections are: 1) A Systems Approach to the Case -- you will analyze your topic as a system highlighting the interrelationships between the population at risk, other stakeholders, and the public health establishment and the possible impacts on various elements of the system based on the initiatives you described in the first part of the case study; 2) Risks and Advantages associated with possible initiatives to address the topic - discusses are range of risks (health-related and other kinds of risk) to the affected population as well as other stakeholders, including government, that might arise from initiatives chosen to address the topic and also the advantages to these groups from those same initiatives; and 3) Expert Assessment - considers the possible measures to address the topic (including initiatives actually used in real life as well as other possible choices that are/were not used) and give YOUR assessment of the best way to address the problem using a Public Health approach. This section must draw on your systems analysis and must take a clear Public Health perspective. As part of this, you must explain your reasoning for your position.

This assignment must be written in a formal, academic style (not first person) and must be fully referenced. Harvard referencing is preferred for this unit. If you need help with referencing, please consult the ALC or Library as soon as possible. You case study must have in text references and a reference list that contains all sources used and nothing that is not cited in the text.

Possible topics:

  • Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in a community of your choice
  • Waste Management in a community of your choice
  • The Ageing Population and its Implications for Public Health in a community of your choice
  • Poor Nutrition and its Implications for Public Health in a community of your choice
  • Occupational Injuries in a community of your choice
  • Vaccine-Preventable Diseases of Childhood in a community of your choice
  • Maternal and Infant Morbidity and Mortality in a community of your choice
  • Earthquakes/Floods/Fire/ other natural disaster in a community of your choice (you will need to choose a specific type of natural disaster relevant to your community)
  • Cancer in a community of your choice (you may choose one type of cancer or approach this generally)
  • Access to Healthcare in a community of your choice
  • Water Quality and its implications for Public Health in a community of your choice
  • The Relationship between the Living Environment and Public Health in a community of your choice

Reference no: EM133526623

Questions Cloud

Describe two stress reduction techniques you have used : Describe a client from your clinical setting or work who experienced severe anxiety or panic. Include a brief history and three most pertinent medications.
How what you learned might impact your future teaching : On a Word document describe in a bulleted fashion in complete sentences at least 3 specific things. How what you learned might impact your future teaching.
Short-term residential treatment facility : Adam is leading a group for teenagers transitioning out of foster care in a short-term residential treatment facility.
Do you think the us pharmaceutical industry is working : Do you think the US pharmaceutical industry is working efficiently? (efficient means producing medications we need at the lowest costs)
Public health practice in the cross-cultural community : PBHL20010 Public Health Practice in the Cross-Cultural Community, Central Queensland University - The Relationship between the Living Environment and Public
How will understanding one own spiritual traditions help : Compare one of your spiritual traditions with that in another faith tradition. How will understanding one's own spiritual traditions help you to provide care
How is the conception of locke on social contract hobbes : How is the conception of Locke on social contract differ from Hobbes' conception of it?
Analyze the role of a public health nurse in emergency : where you are completing your clinical/practicum experience, analyze the role of a public health nurse in emergency preparedness and disaster planning
State your evaluation of each of your criteria : State your evaluation of each of your criteria. From yourassessment, would you recommend the chosen website to a colleague? A patient? Why?



9/21/2023 11:15:48 PM

The first assessment task is a case study of about 2000 words that you will complete on an individual basis. The case study will require you to address a topic which must be approved by the unit coordinator. Information about the case study is located under Week 1 This case study was made according to the instructions given for this unit and PBHL20009. You can use it as a guide to what your case study should be like in terms of format and content.

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