Reference no: EM132860221
Historically, defense by a public defender has been considered equivalent to not being defended at all. Although earlier studies indicate that public defense results in high conviction rates, new studies indicate that the public defender system now provides defense comparable with a private attorney.
Does the public defense system now provide representation equitable to that by private attorneys? If so, what accounts for this improvement?
In 1984, the Supreme Court ruled that in order to establish ineffectiveness of counsel, a defendant must prove that two constitutional standards were violated. Discuss what these two standards are and how they establish ineffectiveness of counsel.
The Supreme Court has clearly stated that prosecutors cannot make a peremptory challenge based on race or sex when selecting jurors.
How significant is this practice in the overall analysis of discrimination?
Does this still happen in jury selection, and if so, should this practice be stopped? Why?
Analyze and describe the concept of jury nullification. Is jury nullification sometimes justifiable? When?
Discuss how a person is selected to become a potential juror and placed in the jury pool. Are potential jurors selected from voter registration rolls, driver's license databases, or other databases? Does the choice to select potential jurors from a database automatically mean that certain segments of the population will not be represented on juries? If so, which populations and why? Are there any burdens associated with being a juror, if so, please list them.
What are the character issues
: Some more information: The idea is to work though what you think Kant, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, Fairness Theory, and Ethic of Care would say about a case
Discuss the benefits of using database marketing
: State the ethical, legal, and HIPAA issues that need to be considered. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using database marketing.
American judicature society
: According to the American Judicature Society (AJS), judicial independence is the idea that judges should operate independently of outside influences
Construct an adjusting entry to record accrued salaries
: Construct an adjusting entry to record accrued salaries, a reversing entry on January 1, 2022, and an entry to record the payment of salaries
Public defense-analysis of discrimination
: How significant is this practice in the overall analysis of discrimination? Does this still happen in jury selection and if so, should this practice be stopped?
What the cultural factors are that need to be considered
: What the cultural, economic, and political factors are that need to be considered in the design of this project. Who the major competitors are for this product.
Changes in aggregate demand and aggregate supply
: This week we are discussing how economy returns to equilibrium in response to changes in aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply
Evaluate four building blocks of a supply network strategy
: Appraise the stages, Evaluate the four building blocks of a supply network strategy and how they work together to form an effective supply chain
Calculate any deferred tax assets and liabilities for Wombat
: The tax rate is 30 percent. Calculate any deferred tax assets and liabilities for Wombat Ltd and provide the relevant journal entries