Public activity in the u.s. economy

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM1343185 , Length: 300 words

To a great extent, transportation project planning is described as a public activity where purely financial return is not the overriding benefit to be attained. Give the reasons why this activity is a major part of the public activity in the U.S. economy.

Reference no: EM1343185

Questions Cloud

Calculate the slack associated in the provided case : The amount of slack associated with the activity is - Calculate the slack associated in the provided case
Project management and organizational structure : A project manager is completely ingrained in the culture of an organization a project is generally run from multiple levels of an organization as well as many different department involvements.
Project management and risk : Both internal and external factors need to be addressed as well as the probability and impact that certain risks could have on a particular project.
Is the project worth doing : Is the project worth doing? In my job we are often reviewing whether or not we should do something and i think it's important that a project absolutely makes sense to do from either an economic or strategic standpoint.
Public activity in the u.s. economy : Provide the reasons why this activity is a major part of the public activity in the U.S. economy.
Explain what challenges might the foreign managers face : Explain what challenges might the foreign managers face while communicating with the home base and justify your answer with examples and reasoning.
Explain what are organizational strengths and weaknesses : Explain what are the organizational strengths and weaknesses and how can management increase its understanding and application of business etiquette and protocol in this new region?
Is project management more of a science or art : Is project management more of a science or art - What do we really know about the project management process?
Show the knowledge of the sdlc : What's the appropriate level and kinds of advice about the Systems Development Life Cycle are appropriate to give to the aspiring Project manager?


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Project Management Questions & Answers

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Would the firm's break-even point increase or decrease if it made the change?

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  Probability of process gains in project staff team

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  Organizational strengths and weaknesses

What are the organizational strengths and weaknesses?

  Project management-manage stakeholder expectations

Explain how would you work with a stakeholder who threatens to go over your head and complain to your supervisor if you cannot guarantee specific results

  Discounted profitability index of the project

Using Excel or pencil and paper, what is the discounted profitability index of the project?

  Construct a network diagram

The resource-based view of the firm is one of the most influential current theories in operations strategy (Slack, 2007). Critically evaluate and argue how firms' should consider resource based view during the location selection process?

  Explaining projects assist organizations

How do projects assist organizations and people to accomplish things?

  List of risks of procured or contracted work

Provide the list of risks related to the procured or contracted work.

  Participate in management and entitled to compensation

Lynda will be allowed to participate in management and is entitled to compensation.

  Preparing performance statement report

Prepare a performance statement report for the Humphrey Catalog project.

  Using risk protection and risk transfer in situation

Discuss how you have used or might use risk protection and risk transfer in a situation.

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