PUB010-6 Dissertation Assignment

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133080187 , Length: 15000 Word

PUB010-6 Dissertation - University of Bedfordshire

Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Theoretical and methodological knowledge to design an applied research study in an area of professional and scientific interest.

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
The ability to successfully conduct an applied research study in an ethical manner and to generate innovative findings that can make an impact on population health and wellbeing.

You are required to identify a current public health related research issue in an area of personal or professional interest and write a dissertation of 15,000 to 20,000 words in length, excluding references, bibliography and appendices.

The dissertation provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and abilities you have acquired during the taught element of the degree to develop a substantial research project. You will be expected to draw upon your knowledge and understanding of public health to provide a clear and detailed rationale for your chosen research topic which demonstrates a critical appreciation of relevant literature that has been identified by a systematic and sustained search process. You will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of a research method appropriate to your research aims and objectives and show the skills necessary to undertake ethically compliant research to produce insightful results that are well organised and clearly presented. The discussion of your results should involve a synthesis of your findings with the existing literature and research to demonstrate the fulfilment of your research aims and to provide a critical understanding of their wider policy and practical implications.

Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of the research/research process.

Demonstrate discipline-specific knowledge and methodological concepts in a coherent manner. Reflect upon your knowledge and skills conducting a literature search.

Justify key methodological approaches and select one to suit your area of study, considering the ethical issues associated with different study designs.

Conduct a research study, undertake a critical analysis and interpretation of the results, and propose recommendations for changes to policy and practice.

Attachment:- Dissertation.rar

Reference no: EM133080187

Questions Cloud

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What is the level of company accounts receivable : If the company has annual sales of $5million, all of them on credit, what is the level of company's accounts receivable
Why the profits have increased at a faster rate than sales : George and Brown started a Chocolate manufacturing company a few years ago. Explain George and Brown why the profits have increased at a faster rate than sales
Compute timpanogos inc tax liability : Premiums paid on the key-person life insurance policies. The policies have no cash surrender value 21,000. Compute Timpanogos Inc.'s tax liability for 2020
PUB010-6 Dissertation Assignment : PUB010-6 Dissertation Assignment Help and Solution, University of Bedfordshire - Assessment Writing Service
Calculate her beginning of the month payment : Marge purchased a new vehicle for $30,000. The residual value of the vehicle is $10,000. Calculate her beginning of the month payment
What is the deferred tax liability at year-end : An entity reported the following information during the first year of operations: Pretax financial income P 9,000,000. What is the deferred tax liability
Calculate the standard deviation of tree age : Suppose the national forest contains 1,000,000 trees, and that the age of trees in this forest is normally distributed with a mean of 225 years, and a standard
Hat other non-financial considerations you would take : If the discounting rate is 10%, would you undertake the project. What other non-financial considerations you would take into effect when you make this decision


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