Reference no: EM132413931
Assignment: PSYCH655 Psychometrics, University of Phoenix
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words Please (In a word document), include a title line below
1. Do intelligence tests effectively measure one's intelligence? Explain your answer using specific examples of intelligence assessments.
Access the Mental Measurements Yearbook
Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests.
Prepare a 12 slide presentation about your selected instruments. In your analysis, address the following:
1. Critique the major definitions of intelligence.
2. Determine which theory of intelligence best fits your selected instruments.
3. Explain how the definition and the measures are related.
4. Evaluate the measures of intelligence you selected for reliability, validity, normative procedures, and bias.
5. Your selected intelligence and achievement assessments.
6. How are the goals of the tests similar and different? How are the tests used?
7. What are the purposes of giving these differing tests?
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.
• Slides present information in bullet form.
• Notes present the material that would be stated orally: full paragraphs, no less than three sentences, complete with APA appropriate citations, and containing no more than 10% of even correctly cited quotations.
• Citations and references are included for all non-clip art images, as per APA guidelines.
Describe norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests
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Compare and contrast the leadership styles
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Establishing the three levels of management
: You are responsible for establishing the three levels of management and how each level functions in the organization
Analyse the performance of an employee
: What actions could be taken to analyse the performance of an employee whose job role has changed within the period of their set performance objectives?
PSYCH655 Psychometrics Assignment Problem
: PSYCH655 Psychometrics assignment help and solutions, University of Phoenix, assessment help - Measures of Intelligence Presentation, Do intelligence tests.
Facilitating payments in developing countries
: Is there any evidence of how these ethical codes of practice are operationalised within the organisation?
Relation of reflective thinking to the educative process
: How we think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process. Boston: D.C. Health.
Define the limits of the principle of commonality
: Define the limits of the principle of commonality in regards to individuals, government, and corporations
Develop statement of business ethics-code of ethics
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