PSYC5603 Understanding and Managing Chronic Health Condition

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Reference no: EM132799450

PSYC5603 Understanding and Managing Chronic Health Conditions Assignment - De Montfort University, UK

Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this model, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an advanced critical appreciation of the role of health psychology in understanding chronic conditions and disability.

2. Appraise theoretical models and empirical findings from a variety of perspectives (e.g. intrapersonal, interpersonal and cultural).

3. Take a holistic approach to considering the impact of chronic illness and disability on the individual and those around them.

4. Identify, evaluate and synthesise theoretical and empirical evidence regarding interventions.

5. Use theoretical and empirical evidence to formulate improved interventions for health psychologists working with those with a long-term condition or disability.

Essay Assessment - The coursework is designed to assess your ability to identify and synthesise relevant material, critically evaluate empirical findings and design an improved intervention to address identified limitations.

You will complete one piece of work in which you critically evaluate existing interventions for a specified condition (identifying strengths and limitations) and formulate an intervention that addresses highlighted issues, whilst remaining practicable within a healthcare setting. This assessment will address the five learning outcomes listed in the module guide through a consideration of condition-specific issues, a critique of existing interventions and the formulation of modifications.

The title for this assignment is: Evaluate existing self-management interventions for either Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or asthma in adults and formulate an improved intervention. This should address highlighted strengths and weaknesses, whilst remaining practicable within a healthcare setting.

Once you have decided which condition to look at you will need to choose the focus of your intervention. For example, you may wish to develop an intervention for patients or for partners/primary caregivers. To an extent this will be informed by the condition you select and the limitations you identify.

The following sections give pointers to what markers will be looking for and the types of skills required. On the whole, it follows the structure of a "traditional" essay, but you will be expected to demonstrate additional skills in terms of developing an improved intervention.

1. Introduction (approximately 700 words)

2. Main body of essay

Evaluation (approximately 1000 words)

Intervention development (approximately 1000 words)

Testing the intervention (approximately 700 words)

3. Conclusion (approximately 500 words)

Attachment:- Chronic Health Conditions Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132799450

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