Reference no: EM132505684 , Length: 2 pages
PSY3910 Biological Psychology - Baker College
Recall and review some of the main concepts.
Prepare a suggested length of 1000+ words formal APA formatted integrative paper that relates the relevance of your chosen SLO topics to your chosen career path.
The discussion should reflect on at least two topics from PSY3910 and three topics from this course that relate to your future career path, and include the following for each SLO topic:
• Summarize and exhibit an understanding of the concepts that you chose from each course.
• Relate and apply the concepts to current events in the news or your chosen career path.
• Discuss of how this content will benefit you in your future career path.
• Support your discussion with no less than 3 credible and academically appropriate references in addition to the text. Proper APA style formatting and the use of in text citations are required.
• Student Learning Objectives for PSY 3910Biological Psychology and PSY 4310 Physiological Psychology:
Learning Outcomes
1. Assess the biological foundations of behavior.
a. Examine the structures and functions of the brain and nervous system.
b. Identify specific brain structures and their functions.
c. Describe the messaging process of neurotransmitters.
2. Investigate how biochemical and electrical processes influence thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
a. Describe the transmission and function of neural signals by neurons.
b. Examine the role of hormones on brain function and the resulting effects.
3. Examine the evolution and development of the nervous system.
a. Identify the evolution of human versus nonhuman brains/nervous systems, and the resulting impacts on thoughts and behavior.
b. Examine the development of the brain and nervous system across the lifespan.
c. Discuss various theories and methods used to study brain structure and function.
4. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal functioning as it relates to the nervous system, brain, biochemical, and electrical processes in the body.
a. Examine the role of neurotransmitters in the etiology of normal and abnormal behaviors.
b. Compare various theories and methods used to study normal and abnormal brain functioning.
5. Investigate how sensory receptors and the brain function together to process sensory information.
a. Examine the functional organization of the sensory system.
b. Identify the specific structures of the sensory system and their function.
6. Explore the role of the nervous system as it relates to motor control and brain plasticity.
a. Identify key brain structures and functions in motor control.
b. Describe the process of neural development in plasticity.
7. Communicate using the standards and guidelines established for the profession.
a. Develop APA formatting skills by incorporating proper APA format, in text citations, and references in written assignments.
b. Demonstrate effective writing and/or presentation skills for different purposes.
Physiological Psychology
1. Investigate the physiological basis of sensation and perception.
a. Describe the biological structures and functions associated with vision.
b. Describe the biological structures and functions associated with taste.
c. Describe the biological structures and functions associated with smell.
d. Describe the biological structures and functions associated with hearing.
e. Discuss the role of the vestibular system in the perception of movement and equilibrium.
2. Examine the evolutionary, hormonal and neural bases of sexual behavior.
a. Describe the role of hormones in sexual behavior of humans.
b. Discuss the reproductive system as a biological function of life.
c. Compare normal and abnormal sexual behavior in humans.
d. Review theories and models of sexual disorder.
3. Investigate how the brain regulates biorhythms and homeostasis.
a. Discuss the role of biorhythms and homeostasis in weight management.
b. Examine the role of homeostasis in survival.
c. Review the impact of sleep deprivation on long-term health.
4. Analyze how brain functioning influences and affects emotion.
a. Compare relevant theories on emotion.
b. Describe how abnormal function and structure influences emotion.
c. Discuss the physiological response system to stress.
5. Examine how irregularities in biological structures or processes can contribute to the development and persistence of psychopathology.
a. Describe abnormal brain process and function and the affect on behavior.
b. Review psychological disorders and their biological etiology.
6. Examine biological structures and physiological basis of cognitive functions.
a. Discuss specific diseases and disorders that affect cognitive functions.
b. Describe the process of language development.
c. Describe how learning and memory occurs.
d. Identify specific brain functions involved in cognitive functioning.
e. Discuss the role of attention on cognitive functioning.