Reference no: EM132683369
PSPTIS001 Apply codes and standards to ethical practice - RMIT University
1. Develop knowledge of ethical and professional issues
2. Apply ethical standards to professional practices
3. Evaluate professional practices and knowledge related to ethical practice
Assessment Instructions
Q1: Can an assignment which involves a known associate, friend or relative of the interpreter or translator be completed on disclosure of the relationship and with the approval of all parties? Also please explain why you think so.
Q2: Prior to an assignment, is it imperative that translators and interpreters accurately communicate their professional qualifications and abstaining from taking on any assignment for which they are not qualified or experienced? Also please explain why you think so.
Q3: Being the only person in the interpreting room to speak both languages, should interpreters exercise power or influence over the content of their clients' conversation in order to interpret accurately? Also please explain why you think so.
Q4: When working in the community, should the interpreter provide an opinion on any matter or person when the LOTE client makes the request? Also please explain why you think so.
Q5: Is belonging to a T & I related association an example of the general principle of professional solidarity? Also please explain why you think so.
Q6: If obvious untruths are uttered, should the interpreter convey these untruths accurately? Also please explain why you think so.
Part 2 - Case Studies Satisfactory
Case Study 1
You have just finished a business interpreting assignment booked by an interpreting agency. Your LOTE client is a wealthy businessman and is very happy with your interpreting performance and the result of the business meeting. Then, the client offers $100 cash for you to have a nice lunch. What would you do?
Which is the AUSIT Code of Ethics principle(s) that relate to the scenario and support your answer?
Provide a short reason for your answer.
Case Study 2
You are interpreting for a primary school teacher and a LOTE speaking parent whose daughter is accused of bullying another child. The parent is very upset with the situation and asks you directly if constantly asking another child to play together is a form of bullying.
What would you do?
Which is the AUSIT Code of Ethics principle(s) that relate to the scenario and support your answer?
Provide a short reason for your answer.
Case Study 3
You are at a law firm interpreting between a solicitor and a LOTE-speaking client. The solicitor speaks fast with much information which includes legal terminology. You find it difficult to catch up to interpret appropriately.
What would you do?
Which is the AUSIT Code of Ethics principle(s) that relate to the scenario and support your answer?
Provide a short reason for your answer.
Case Study 4
You have come to an interpreting assignment at a Legal Aid office and find that you know the LOTE- speaking client as your classmate from high school. The LOTE client seems to have noticed who you are but does not say anything.
What would you do?
Which is the AUSIT Code of Ethics principle(s) that relate to the scenario and support your answer?
Provide a short reason for your answer.
Case Study 5
You have accepted an interpreting assignment from an agency. However, the day before the assignment, you realize that you have double-booked yourself at two different assignments from two different agencies.
What would you do?
Which is the AUSIT Code of Ethics principle(s) that relate to the scenario and support your answer?
Provide a short reason for your answer.
Plan and Prepare for an Assignment
This is a task simulating a real-life scenario. This task will simulate you accepting an assignment and planning and preparing for your assignment.
Part 1: Respond, plan and prepare for an interpreting assignment
Part 2: Respond, plan and prepare for a translating assignment
This is a simulated task where it is assumed that you are a professional interpreter. In this task, you are offered an assignment from the job list provided in the template for Part 1 and ACCEPT the assignment. You are to record the booking information accurately (STEP 1) and to plan and prepare for the assignment (STEP 2) as a professional interpreter.
A template with questions related to planning and preparing for the assignment you received is provided on Canvas. You are to respond to the questions asked of you in the template. Please download your questions and template from here. (linked in Canvas)
Some notes are included here for you to consider when completing your assessment.
Further information to consider when accepting or declining a job
When considering whether to accept or decline the job, you need to consider various factors such as challenges and/ or issues which you may face during the job. The process is outlined in the following:
1. Review the dates, times and details of the job provided to you by your teacher.
2. Examine the details and expectations of the jobs, email the agency concerned if you have any further questions and consider the following factors before accepting or declining the job. Consider your limits and responsibilities, whether:
a) you are available to do the jobs at that time (check with your calendar)
b) you don't have any other diary commitments at that time,
c) your suitability (gender, type of situation, cultural background etc) and competence
d) the work is in the language you are certified in (project into the future)
e) there are any other factors which may prevent you from accepting the job (e.g. conflict of interest)
f) the engagement conditions and payment are what you would expect (you may need to ask the agency about this).
3. Once you have analysed the booking, you must choose whether to accept or decline the job offer.
4. You must then reply to the corresponding agency.
In your reply you are required to:
a) address the agency person in the appropriate polite manner
b) say what job you will be accepting
c) if you decline, you must state your reason/s for declining.
[NOTE: you would normally not have to explain these details to agencies - this is purely for purposes of the activity.]
Instructions for Part 2
This is a simulated task where it is assumed that you are a professional translator. In this task, you are expected to select an assignment from the job list provided in the template for Part 2 and ACCEPT the assignment. You are to record the booking information accurately (STEP 1) and to plan and prepare for the assignment (STEP 2) as a professional translator.
A template with questions related to planning and preparing for the assignment you received is provided on Canvas. You are to respond to the questions asked of you in the template. Please download your questions and template from here.
Some notes are included here for you to consider when completing your assessment.
Further information to consider when accepting or declining a job
When considering whether to accept or decline the job, you need to consider various factors such as challenges and/ or issues which you may face during the job. The process is outlined in the following:
1. Review the dates, times and details of the job provided to you by your teacher.
2. Examine the details and expectations of the jobs, email the agency concerned if you have any further questions and consider the following factors before accepting or declining the job. Consider your limits and responsibilities, whether:
a. you are available to do the jobs at that time (check with your calendar)
b. you don't have any other diary commitments at that time,
c. your suitability (gender, type of situation, cultural background etc) and competence
d. the deadline of the translation is achievable given your current workload
e. the translation is in the direction you are certified in (project into the future)
f. there are any other factors which may prevent you from accepting the job (e.g. conflict of interest)
g. the engagement conditions and payment are what you would expect (you may need to ask the agency about this).
3. Once you have analysed the booking, you must choose whether to accept or decline the job offer.
4. You must then reply to the corresponding agency.
In your reply you are required to:
I. address the agency person in the appropriate polite manner
II. say what job you will be accepting
III. if you decline, you must state your reason/s for declining.
Attachment:- EthicalApplicationAndAnalysis.rar