Pseudocode that will generate reports from data files

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1353003

Q1) You have just been hired by the accounting firm More & More as their resident software engineer. M. & M. develops and sells small business systems software. Their software development process is:

A. Interview the customer to find out what kinds of reports they need;
B. Develop a mock-up of each of these reports, and get customer approval of these mock-ups;
C. Acquire the data file formats from the customer for the data that goes into these reports;
D. Write pseudo code that will generate these reports from the data files, using a CASE tool;
E. Use the CASE tool to produce the object code for the system;
F. Demonstrate the working system to the client;
G. Collect their money.

Your boss tells you that M. & M. wants to expand their business by marketing their services to larger business organizations than their traditional customer base. Then he asks you if they need to make any modifications to their software development process. Name three big problems with M. & M.'s process. How would you fix those problems?

Reference no: EM1353003

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