PS7002 Qualitative Research Portfolio Assignment

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Reference no: EM133097370

PS7002 Qualitative Research Portfolio Assignment

MRes Psychology and MRes Developmental Psychology

Portfolio Assignment: You are required to conduct a qualitative analysis using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) using the methods outlined in the interactive workshops that you will be taught. You are asked to pick out two specific themes to write up using the guidelines outlined below. The length of these themes will depend on whether you have one theme which is a little longer (with several sub-themes) or one slightly shorter theme.

The superordinate theme should be on the topic of living with facial acne in emerging adulthood. You are free to explore any psychosocial aspect of living with facial acne that you find good evidence for in your IPA analysis. You have one male and one female participant. Make sure you find some points of comparison (or divergence) between both interviews for the two themes that you choose.

Time will be set aside in the workshops to look through your ideas and explain the coding and analysis in detail, as well as give advice on writing up your theme, and any subthemes that you find. I will also organise some drop-in sessions to discuss your ideas later in the semester.

In Portfolio Assignment 2 you need to report on your findings of your analysis. This will include an introduction, and a short results section with an explanation of your two superordinate themes, along with any subthemes, and a brief discussion of your results. This is in effect a shortened version of a qualitative report, but you will not have to write a full method section - only the sections outlined in the template below.

Template for Portfolio Assignment
The overall template for laying out your report is shown below. Please adapt this template depending on how many subthemes you have for each of your two themes. It is just a guide.

Introduction (guideline is 300-400 words)
Include a brief introduction to the topic of living with facial acne in emerging adulthood. This should be based on a review of a pertinent literature, not on your own personal obser-vations or intuitions. Since there is a limited work count here, think about using the intro-duction to lead into your themes from your analysis. It therefore might be helpful to write your introduction after you have finished your analysis. I have included some references in the list at the end which are there for you to use. At the end of the introduction, you should include the research question which was what is the experience of living with visible acne for young adults in emerging adulthood?

Participants and Procedure (guideline is 200 words)
Details concerning the participants, materials and procedure have been provided in Appendix A and B at the end of the information sheet. These interviews were collected by an MSc student in 2017 for her MSc dissertation. The participants gave permission for these data to be used for teaching purposes. In this section, please write one short paragraph outlining the participants' details, the materials, and the procedure in your own words. You will need to be very succinct here. Just two sentences on each section.

Data Analysis (guideline is 100-200 words)
Please include one paragraph outlining how you conducted the IPA analysis, and the steps you used, i.e., what you did in the analysis. We will be using the guidelines from Smith and Osborne (2008) to help guide the IPA analysis.

Results (guideline is 1000 words)
Please choose your most interesting, nuanced, and detailed themes where you have some evidence for your chosen themes from both interviews. The structure for the results section is shown below. Writing your results section allows you to translate your two themes into a narrative account. The results section is where you can explain and illustrate your two themes. The results section takes the form of the narrative argument interspersed with verbatim extracts from the transcripts to build and develop the theme. I have provided a template below, which we will discuss in class.

Superordinate Theme 1
Please start with a short paragraph introducing this superordinate theme and explaining the core concern of the theme. After this you need to discuss this theme in relation to both Monique and Mike, using verbatim extracts from both of their interviews to develop your ideas about the theme. Use subheadings to help structure your ideas.
Subtheme 1. Introduce the subtheme and provide a full narrative account of what you have found. Support your accounts with quotes from the interviews - maybe 2,3 or 4 quotes for each subtheme as follows, using double indenting so that the data is very clear and labelling each quotation with the name of the participant, page and line numbers. For example:
"Quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data" Monique, page 5, lines 45-47.
"Quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data" Mike, page 12, lines 1-5.
Explain the relevance of the quotes you have chosen.
Subtheme 2. Please repeat for sub-theme 2.Introduce the subtheme and provide a full narrative account of what you have found. Support your accounts with quotes from the interviews.

Superordinate Theme 2
Please start with a short paragraph introducing this superordinate theme and explaining the core concern of the theme. After this you need to discuss this theme in relation to both Monique and Mike, using verbatim extracts from both of their interviews to develop your ideas about the theme. Use subheadings to help structure your ideas.
Subtheme 1. Introduce the subtheme and provide a full narrative account of what you have found. Support your accounts with quotes from the interviews - maybe 2,3 or 4 quotes for each subtheme as follows, using double indenting so that the data is very clear and labelling each quotation with the name of the participant, page, and line numbers. For example:
"Quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data" Monique, page 5, lines 45-47.
"Quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data here quotes from interview data" Mike, page 12, lines 1-5.
Explain the relevance of the quotes you have chosen.
Subtheme 2. Please repeat for sub-theme 2. Introduce the subtheme and provide a full narrative account of what you have found. Support your accounts with quotes from the interviews.

Discussion (Guideline is 300 words)
Here you need to discuss the theme(s) that you have chosen and relate it/them to the academic literature. You can include any of the references shown below, but you need to find two additional references yourself from journal articles, book chapters or other academic sources.

Attachment:- Portfolio Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133097370

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3/4/2022 2:34:15 AM

Qualitative psychology report analysis we have to read thoroughly the interviews of Mike and Monique and find same themes that are happening in both the interviews The main stress in on INTERVIEWS Just for example if we read transcript we see that in both the interviews there’s an element of lack of confidence THIS IS JUST EXAMPLE you have to go through the interviews as it is Interpretive phenomenological analysis And to view certain articles that supports ur themes with references and in text citations In subthemes u have to exactly quote from the transcript it’s mentioned in guidelines

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