Providing many different resources to high school students

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Reference no: EM133610879


I think providing many different resources to high school students, such as counselors, affordable care for mental illness, and allowing schools to bring in guest speakers, will help educate the students on mental illness and let them ask questions and tell their stories of their battles they go through can help other students feel less alone when feeling certain types of mental illnesses.

Reference no: EM133610879

Questions Cloud

Historical attitudes and approaches toward psychopathology : Begin by describing historical attitudes and approaches toward psychopathology. Describe how DSM-5 is used today, including pros and cons of diagnostic process
Health-related components of fitness : Explain the key aspects of the following health-related components of fitness, including an example of how they are assessed and how to interpret the results.
Intended audience includes your colleagues and stakeholders : The intended audience includes your colleagues and stakeholders interested in this topic.
Potential ways to mitigate these aspects : Which might be most damaging and are there potential ways to mitigate these aspects?
Providing many different resources to high school students : Providing many different resources to high school students, such as counselors, affordable care for mental illness, and allowing schools to bring in guest speak
Preparing to share it with her foster mother in treatment : Jane, age 9, has completed the Trauma Narrative and is preparing to share it with her foster mother in treatment.
Discuss the transitions you have experienced : Discuss the transitions you have experienced in your how changes that go along with this.
How would measure success of the test : How would measure success of the test? In other words, what KPI would you be interested in exploring?
Disabilities to be educated in least restrictive environment : How can schools and teachers advocate for students with disabilities to be educated in the least restrictive environment?


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