Provides recommendations for motivating cross cultural staff

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13855016


Word Limit: 3000 words.

• Outlines Ethical & Corporate Social Responsibility issues your company is likely to encounter when doing business between the two countries;

• Recommends the most appropriate entry mode, corporate and business level strategy and human resource approach; and

• Provides recommendations for motivating and leading cross cultural staff.

The structure of your report should be as follows:

1. Executive Summary (a 2 page (maximum) summary of key findings, strategies and outcomes).

2. Table of Content

3. Introduction to the report, brief background to company

4. Brief summary of key macro issues relevant to country: ie a synopsis of Part A of your report on the macro environment (Topics 1-6). NB this should only be 1-2 pages maximum in length

5. Ethical & Corporate Social Responsibility issues the international manager is likely to encounter in doing business in the target country with suggestions on how to tackle these issues in order to minimise problems which may arise (Topic 7)

6. International strategy for company (Topic 8).

7. Recommendation for entry mode with justifications why this method is being recommended (Topic 9).

8. HR recommendations (takes into account the cultural aspects of the country, the strategy of the firm and the various options available).

9. Methods and strategies for motivation and leadership of cross cultural teams (Topic 11)

10. Conclusion.

Reference no: EM13855016

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