Reference no: EM132738037
BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment
Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities.
Refer to Case Study A.
Identify two examples of both formal and informal learning opportunities that could be introduced in Smoothpop.
Activity 1B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to recognise how to identify learning needs of individuals in relation to the needs of the team and/or enterprise and available learning opportunities.
Identify two learning needs of the sales team, based on the information collected.
Activity 1C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to develop and implement learning plans as an integral part of individual and team performance plans.
Refer to Case Study C.
1. Create a learning plan for Natalie that is tailored to her and her learning needs, using the template provided.
2. Why is it a review date important in implementing a learning plan? Provide at least two reasons.
Activity 1D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to develop strategies to ensure that learning plans reflect the diversity of needs.
Refer to Case Study D.
1. Identify the learning needs required for Jay, so that a learning plan can be developed.
2. Explain in 75 words what strategies you would develop to meet Jay's learning needs.
Activity 1E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to ensure organisational procedures maximise individual and team access to, and participation in, learning opportunities.
Refer to Case Study E.
What procedures are important to check, regarding access and participation in learning opportunities within Smoothpop? Provide at least two examples.
Activity 1F
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to ensure effective liaison occurs with training and development specialists and contributes to learning opportunities which enhance individual, team and organisational performance.
1. Provide two benefits to using an existing employee to act as a specialist and lead training activities.
2. Suggest at least three benefits and three drawbacks to using computer-based training/e-learning as a method of training and development.
3. In no more than 200 words, evaluate whether sending employees on training courses is an effective method of enhancing individual, team and organisational performance.
Activity 2A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to develop strategies to ensure that workplace learning opportunities are used and that team members are encouraged to share their skills and knowledge to encourage a learning culture within the team.
Refer to Case Study F.
1. Develop two strategies that could be used in Smoothpop to encourage people to take part in voluntary lessons of the Sales and Knowledge Program.
2. How can Smoothpop employees share the skills and knowledge they have gained through the learning program and other sources in the workplace? Describe at least two ways.
Activity 2B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to implement organisational procedures to ensure workplace learning opportunities contribute to the development of appropriate workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Refer to Case Study G.
1. For this month, the goal of the company you work for is to promote respect and kindness for everyone in the workplace.
From the workplace learning opportunities available, suggest one which would contribute to this month's development goal.
2. From your own knowledge and experience, identify one way in which diversity training can be implemented in the workplace.
Activity 2C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to implement policies and procedures to encourage team members to assess their own competencies and to identify their own learning and development needs.
Refer to Case Study H.
1. Provide two examples of occasions where the team leader can invite Josie to evaluate her own performance.
2. What key questions should be asked of Josie in order to learn about the source of her underperformance, via self-evaluation? Provide at least three examples.
Activity 2D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to share the benefits of learning with others in the team and organisation.
Refer to Case Study I.
What approaches can be used to share the benefits of learning with others in Smoothpop, and increase attendance and interest in learning?
Activity 2E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to recognise workplace achievement by timely and appropriate recognition, feedback and rewards.
Refer to Case Study J.
1. Explain what achievements of Jay should be recognised by management.
2. What methods could you use to recognise and reward the achievements identified in question one?
Activity 3A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to use strategies to ensure that team and individual learning performance is monitored to determine the type and extent of any additional work based support required and any Work Health and Safety (WHS) issues.
Refer to Case Study J.
1. Provide at least three examples of strategies that could be used to monitor team and individual performance.
2. What consideration do you have to make in relation to Work Health and Safety when monitoring learning activities in the workplace? Suggest two examples.
Activity 3B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to use feedback from individuals and teams to identify and introduce improvements in future learning arrangements.
Refer to Case Study J.
1. Provide at least four aspects that it may be necessary to gain feedback about from those who have participated in the IT learning sessions.
2. What sorts of improvements can be made to the sessions on the basis of feedback?
Activity 3C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to make adjustments, negotiated with training and development specialists, for improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.
Refer to Case Study K.
Provide three adjustments that would improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, based on the feedback from the training specialist.
Activity 3D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to use processes to ensure that records and reports of competency are documented and maintained within the organisation's systems and procedures to inform future planning.
Refer to Case Study L.
Answer the following multiple choice questions using the information given in the Case Study.
1. Identify the correct way to document outcomes of learning.
a. Wait for individual participants to create a record and use this as feedback
b. Create a detailed log of the learning opportunity that took place, including individual's response and gain feedback from those involved using the template feedback form
c. Produce a brief overview of the learning process and gain no feedback.
2. How should records be maintained?
a. Produce a written copy and store in the designated folder
b. Produce a digital copy and store in the designated folder
c. Produce a paper and digital copy and store within the relevant folder.
Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.
A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:
• Learning
• Reading
• Writing
• Oral Communication
• Navigate the world of work
• Interact with others
• Get the work done.
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible.
1. Refer to Case Study M.
Develop learning strategies for the three employees and their learning needs. Consider the skills and knowledge required by employees and the learning opportunities required to meet their needs.
2. Refer to Case Study B.
Analyse the information regarding the sales department's performance and evaluate the options for how learning opportunities can be applied to its employees.
3. Refer to Case Study N.
Complete this activity in pairs.
Select one of the two employees. Use the information from a range of sources to develop and document a learning plan for the employee. Ensure that these are produced using technical and organisational vocabulary. Create and store these plans digitally.
4. Continuing from the previous question, create a single digital file with both learning plans and share the combined file with your previous partner.
5. Refer to Case Study O.
Based on the email, hold a meeting on behalf of management to pass on the information and learning needs of the sales team. This should involve:
• Presenting information using appropriate language and features
• Using questioning and listening techniques to identify learning needs and obtain feedback
• Playing an active role in facilitating effective group interaction
• Applying a range of communication strategies to encourage others to share knowledge and skills and reflect on the effectiveness of the interaction
• Collaborating with others to achieve joint outcomes, influencing direction and taking a leadership role.
6. Refer to Case Study P
In 150 words explain where Michael's learning opportunity breaks company policy requirements and government legislation, and how these problems can be addressed.
Section B: Knowledge Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
• Explain how management of relationships can achieve a learning environment
• Identify principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of:
o adult learning
o coaching and mentoring
o consultation and communication
o improvement strategies
o leadership
o learning environment and learning culture
o monitoring and reviewing workplace learning
o problem identification and resolution
o record keeping and management methods
o structured learning
o work based learning.
Answer each question in as much detail as possible.
1. In approximately 200 words, outline the benefits of encouraging a learning culture with the work team.
2. Identify the key principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of the following:
• Adult learning
• Coaching and mentoring
• Consultation and communication
• Improvement strategies
• Leadership
• Learning environment and learning culture
• Monitoring and reviewing workplace learning
• Problem identification and resolution
• Record keeping and management methods
• Structured learning
• Work based learning.
Section C: Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.
A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
• Collaboratively review performance development needs of individuals and teams
• Plan professional development for individuals and teams that enhances organisational performance
• Develop and implement learning plans
• Liaise with training and development specialists
• Recognise workplace achievement by giving feedback, recognition and rewards
• Monitor and improve workplace learning
• Record and report workplace learning outcomes.
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
1. Refer to Case Study Q.
In pairs, review the performance development needs of the individuals of the graphic design team, and the team as a whole. Attach your notes to your workbook.
2. Refer to Case Study Q.
Based on the identified development needs, plan professional development the employees of the graphic design team and the team itself, to enhance organisational performance.
3. Refer to Case Study R.
Write a plan of what information you would pass onto Yoko when liaising with them, in order to facilitate a high-level of learning.
4. Refer to Case Study S.
This is a roleplay task, with one person as Ryan and another person as Ryan's team.
Act out a scene where you reward Ryan for his improvements after the seminar. Consider feedback, recognition and rewards where necessary.
5. Refer to Case Study T.
In pairs, discuss how the learning activity would be monitored.
6. Refer to Case Study T.
Write an outline of what improvements could be made to the activity, in order to improve the quality of learning, if it were to be held again?
7. Refer to Case Study U.
Write a report on the learning outcomes of the beverage industry learning opportunity, abiding by the report procedures.
Attachment:- Develop a workplace learning environment.rar