Provide to the investor with complete transparency

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131524807

IPO Presentation:

You work for a medium sized privately held electronics firm which is considering transitioning to a publically held organization. Your boss found out that you were taking business courses at Argosy University and has asked you to prepare a presentation for upper level management to explain the process by which a privately held company would transition to publicly held company. He has asked you to describe the general accounting processes involved in establishing an initial public offering (IPO), including but not limited to accounting for all assets, liabilities and equities of the firm. Prepare a 15-20 slide professional MS PowerPoint presentation which covers the following:

Identify and explain the top five reasons private companies go public.

Explain information the firm is required to provide to the investor with complete transparency.

Compare and contrast the differences in accounting processes and procedures that medium sized companies such as yours go through when going public.

Discuss any concerns you believe the company should guard against while transitioning from privately held to publicly held (shareholder apprehension, fair market value, etc.) and provide solutions to each concern.

Use the notes section in MS PowerPoint to explain your talking points. Use at least two charts and two additional graphics which support your points. Utilize at least three references (one of which may be your text) in your presentation.

Reference no: EM131524807

Questions Cloud

Comparing two different capital structures : Haskell Corp. is comparing two different capital structures. What is the EPS for each of these plans?
What is this stock expected total yield : What is this stock's expected total yield?
What is the value of gillette stock if firm cost of stock : What is the value of Gillette's stock if the firm's cost of stock is 8%? $15.07.
Sell for immediately after the firm pays the dividend : What price must you expect Evco stock to sell for immediately after the firm pays the dividend in one year to justify its current? price?
Provide to the investor with complete transparency : Explain information the firm is required to provide to the investor with complete transparency - Identify and explain the top five reasons private companies
Impact the selection of a research population : Description of two ways the guidelines in Walden University's IRB document may impact the selection of a research population.
Write a complete summary of the information : Write a complete summary of the information presented in each article, using your own words- Conduct several searches using any of the databases
Summarize the interaction between shinto and confucian : Write a 1-page summary of interaction between Shinto and Confucian thought on a particular issue in religion and life.
Pick four stages to illustrate early childhood development : Pick four stages to illustrate early childhood development. Pick two from Erickson's Stage Theory and two from Piaget's theory of development.


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