Reference no: EM133833219
Case Study: Requires an initial posting and a peer response
The content of the initial posting must include the following elements:
Presentation of one policy regarding plagiarism from any nursing program located in a college or university.
Identification of 3 key points related to this case study.
Summarize the entire situation regarding Larry Learner.
Summarize the entire situation regarding Eddie Educator.
Determine a decision for this case study.
The following information was determined during the committee meeting and you should consider this information in your 3 key points.
At the grievance hearing, Larry tells the committee that the faculty member who accused him of plagiarism is much younger and seems to be trying to "make a name for himself." Larry told the faculty member that he has never had another faculty member identify plagiarism in his work.
Upon interviewing Larry Learner and Eddie Educator the committee discovers the following information:
Larry Learner admits he did not review the plagiarism policy but did sign the contract saying he will adhere to all policies.
Eddie Educator tells the committee that Larry had an issue with APA in an earlier assignment and was directed to see the writing tutor for help. Get top-rated assignment assistance now!
In an interview with Terri Tutor, she tells you that Larry never kept his appointment
Upon request, Eddie Educator presents both assignments to the committee for review. In the first assignment, the plagiarism detection program similarity score was 35%. In the second assignment, the plagiarism detection program similarity score was 37%.
Next Steps
The committee's next step is to consider all the information and apply the policy for plagiarism (use the policy that you found).
Present the policy and identify three key points useful to this case.
A summary of the case study considering Larry Learner and Eddie Educator is required. Lastly, determine a decision for this case (i.e. will you uphold the expulsion or impose a different sanction).
Note: To complete this part of the case study, please search for an academic integrity policy from any nursing program and use that in the discussion. Provide the web address of the policy and school.