Provide the sql to amend the original table design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13327468


a. Provide ALL of the SQL statements required to insert the details of the following: A customer, John Smith, of 47 Moodle Street, Highwater, WA, 6709, Australia (email: [email protected]) has sold a work of art called "Gorillas in the Mist" by the renowned French artist, Gallic Symbol (b. 1973) to the Gallery (i.e., the Gallery purchased it from him). It is a unique Watercolour on Paper and is 45 * 30cm signed by the Artist. The purchase price was $4500 and the transaction took place on 27th July 2013.

b. You have been given the following specifications of a simple database for a netball association that keeps record of players, teams and matches.



Give the SQL to create the Match table. You may assume that the Player and Team tables have already been created, and that the MatchID, PlayerID and TeamID colums are of the data type VARCHAR2(5). The result of the match refers to the result for the HomeTeam and can be only W, L or D (win, lose or draw).

c. Your match table must also include a column that records the scores of both teams in the match. Provide the SQL to amend the original table design to allow for this change in requirement. It is most unlikely (impossible) that a team would ever score more than 999 goals in a

Reference no: EM13327468

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