Reference no: EM131396065
Assignment: Cyber security privacy
Topic on Privacy
Since your hypotheses may serve as your research questions (what you plan to measure/examine), list the questions and then convert them into hypotheses. Research questions must be individual questions that measure only one item (one question = one measurement). A couple of questions are expected in this section (typically 2 to 4). You MUST convert these questions into traditional hypotheses format. For example: If someone grows up in a poor neighborhood, they will be more likely to be involved with crime than someone in a middle or upper-class neighborhood. A hypothesis is a statement and not a question.
The Research Design (Methodology) Section:
This section should provide the reader with a summary of the research. You will address the research problem, the research questions (hypotheses) that need to be addressed to resolve this problem, the research method (qualitative or quantitative), how you will select your sample population, how you will collect your data, and how you will analyze your data.
In short, your research design should illustrate the "step by step" directions that would enable another researcher to execute your research if you are unable to conduct the study yourself. Think of this as directions from how to get to point A to point B. This detail is necessary as it demonstrates that you understand how to best conduct your research for your topic.
Incorporate your references into this section and provide one comprehensive list. Remember to use APA 6th Edition format. If you have a citation in the body of your work, you must provide the appropriate reference in the reference section. Also, if you have a reference in your reference section, you must have a citation from that work somewhere in the body of your work. The citations and references must match up. You will be strictly held to the APA standards. Use proper citations and references!
Trade surplus and maintain a healthy positive
: Some years ago a critic of what economists were saying about the U.S.'s international trade position argued that it was essential that the U.S. as a country should run a trade surplus and maintain a healthy positive net inflow of foreign financial..
Basis of tax efficiency and tax equity
: In 250 words and on the basis of tax efficiency and tax equity, would you prefer the U.S. government keep it's income and payroll tax structure or convert to a VAT system and why?
What is the proper df for each of the given tables
: When using x2, what is the proper df for each of the following tables?- Please reread the chapter objectives. Can you do each one?
Hypothetical data on macroeconomic accounts
: The Table below provides hypothetical data on macroeconomic accounts for three countries represented by A, B, and C, and measured in billions of currency units. S = private household saving; T = taxes; G= government spending; and I = investment.
Provide the reader with a summary of the research
: This section should provide the reader with a summary of the research. You will address the research problem, the research questions (hypotheses) that need to be addressed to resolve this problem.
Hypothetical us balance of payments
: Consider each of the hypothetical U.S. Balance of Payments (primary) transactions below. For each one, identify whether it is a current or financial account transaction or not. And whether it represents a payment inflow or outflow.
What are advantage and disadvantage to doing survey research
: Generally speaking, what are some advantages and disadvantages to doing survey research? Provide an example where the use of surveys (in-person, self report, etc) might be a good idea?
What is the present value
: "What is the present value of $62000 to be received in 7 years if the interest rate is 8 percent?" "How much would Ihave to invest now in order to receive $62000 after 7 years, given an interest rate of 8 percent?"
Average revenue of the firm
: Squeeze Inc. sells orange juice in a market where there are a large number of consumers and sellers. New firms can enter the market easily and also exit whenever they want to. It sells 40 bottles in a month at a price of $4 per bottle and incurs a..