Reference no: EM1331174
1) Main function, this will provide the menu interface to get to all the rest of them, it will basically be a switch statement that calls the other functions and returns their values.
2) Square foot to acreage and acreage to square foot conversion, this function should take a numeric value and an alphabetic value and convert from one to the other. use calculations in square footage for final pricing.
3) Mowing price calculation - based on the acreage come up with a price. Lets say that 1/4 acre (10,890 square feet) is the minimum at $29.99, so any area less than that gets the minimum price, but anything over can go in tenths of an acre (1089 square feet) at $6 per tenth additional.
4) Fertilizing price calculation - 1/4 acre minimum at $39.99, $10 per tenth thereafter.
5) Weed control price calculation - 1/4 acre minimum at $30.99, $8 per tenth thereafter.
6) Pest Control price calculation - 1/4 acre minimum at $34.99, $9 per tenth thereafter.
7) Package pricing - combine the above, any two gets a 5% discount, any 3 gets a 10% discount, all gets a 12% discount.
You do not have to include this, but these are the functions I used for my previous code to give an idea:
void DisplayMenu(void); //DisplayMenu Function Prototype
void ConvertArea(void); //ConvertArea Function Prototype
void CalculateMowPrice(void); //CaclulateMowPrice Function Prototype
void CaclulateFertilizePrice(void); //CalculateFertilizePrice Function Prototype
void CalculateWeedPrice(void); //CalculateWeedPrice Function Prototype
void CalculatePestPrice(void); //CalculatePestPrice Function Prototype
void CalculatePackagePrice(void); //CalculatePackagePrice Function Prototype
int CalculateSalesUnits(float squareFeet); //CalculateSalesUnits Function Prototype