Reference no: EM13336357
CHAPTER 11: Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF)
1. In regard to routing tables:
a. There exist two kinds of routing tables, What are` they?
Provide the definition of each one.
b. Provide the definition and picture of Intra-domain routing and Inter-domain routing.
c. How can we determine if an IP packet is carrying an ICMP packet?
2. From the practice exercise section 11.12, page 331.
a. Exercise 6. Use 40 entries.
b. Exercise 19 & provide the routing table for node A
c. Exercise 20 & Provide the routing table for node B
d. Exercise 21 & Provide the routing table for node G
CHAPTER 13: Transport Layer
3. A sender sends a series of packets to the same destination using 4-bit sequence of numbers. If the sequence number starts with 0, what is the sequence number of the 120th packet?
4. Redraw figure 13.18 with 5 packets exchanged (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4). Assume that packet 3 is lost, and packet 2 arrives after packet 4.
5. Redraw figure 13.28 if the sender sends 5 packets(0, 1, 2, 3, and 4). Packets 0, 1, and 2 are sent and acknowledged in one single ACK, which arrives at the sender site after all packets have been sent. Packet 3 is received and acknowledged in a single ACK. Packet 4 is lost and resent.
CHAPTER 14: User Datagram Protocol
6. a. In cases where reliability is not of primary importance, UDP would make a good transport protocol. Give examples of specific cases;
b. Give two examples of specific cases where UDP will not be a good transport protocol to send data;
7. Show the entries for the header of a UDP user datagram that carries a message from a TFTP client to a TFTP server. Fill the check sum with 0s. Choose an appropriate ephemeral port number and the correct well-known port number. The length of data is 40 bytes. Show the UDP packet using the format in figure 14.2.
8. a. A client uses UDP to send data to a server. The data length is 16 bytes. Calculate the efficiency of this transmission at the UDP level (ratio of useful bytes to total bytes).
b. Redo (a), calculating the efficiency of transmission at the IP level. Assume no options for the IP header.
CHAPTER 15: Transmission Control Protocol
9. a. What is the maximum size of the TCP header; What is the minimum size of the TCP header?
b. If the value of the HLEN = 0111, how many bytes of option are included in the segment?
10. a. Show the entries for the header of a TCP segment that carries a message from an FTP client to an FTP
server. Fill the check field with 0s. Choose an appropriate ephemeral port number and the correct well-know port number. The length of data is 50 bytes.
b. TCP is sending data at 1 megabyte per second. If the sequence number starts with 7,000, how long does it take before the sequence number goes back to zero?
11. In a TCP connection, the initial sequence number at the client site is 2,171. The client opens the connection the connection, sends only one segment carrying 1,000 bytes of data, and closes the connection. What is the value of the sequence number in each of the following segments sent by the client?
a. The SYN segment?
b. The data segment?
c. The FIN segment?
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