Provide the business profile and governmental action

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131666522


You will provide the business profile and governmental action, based on the attached paper written for Milestone One, then add organization and teams, stakeholders, and current environment. Be sure to support all factual claims/positions with appropriate citations to your research materials.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Overview: In your role as vice president of governmental affairs, your boss, the business's CEO, is considering retaining an outside consulting firm to assist the company with a government issue that it is facing.

Jack Harris is the president of that firm, which is called Crisis Consulting. Jack has told your boss that he will not know if he can help until he learns more information about your company and the issue it faces. Your CEO has asked you to prepare a memo that will provide a detailed overview of your company as well as the government action that is it facing.

Address the following:

A. Business Profile: Provide a brief profile of the business and the industry it occupies, including the business's market share and competitors, as well as opportunities and threats facing the business and industry outside of the particular governmental action now facing the business.

B. Governmental Action: Analyze the potential governmental action or political challenge that will affect the business in this particular situation.

C. Organization and Teams: Describe the organization of the company, including divisions and project teams, and the manner in which the company has used these teams to respond to government regulations in the past.

D. Stakeholders: Describe the company's internal and external stakeholders. In your description, include the actions taken by the stakeholders to date to influence the political process and advocate for the business's interests.

E. Current Environment: Describe the current business environment, both financial and otherwise, including the initial reaction of the company to the situation and the initial position taken by political actors and other stakeholders.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as an 8-10 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format. Be sure to support all factual claims/positions with appropriate citations to your research materials.

Reference no: EM131666522

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