Reference no: EM131328020 , Length: 3
Write a 2 to 3 page paper relating the information from the book Broken to any course content we have covered. My hope is that you will think of some course material while reading this book. This paper will have four parts.
Part 1: Introduction - Provide some background about William Cope Moyers. You do not have to review the entire book, just parts that relate to parts 2 and 3 of your paper. You can use anything from the book. Make sure this information pertains to parts 2 and 3 (For instance, if you talk about his cocaine use in the introduction, use the chapter that contains information about cocaine in part 2 or 3 of your paper).
Part 2: Chapter 1 - Find a chapter that relates to information in the book. This can be anything about a specific drug, treatment, prevention, etc. I just want for you to connect some of the topics or definitions from your textbook the Broken.
Part 3: Chapter 2 - Find a different chapter that relates to information in the book. This can be anything about a specific drug, treatment, prevention, etc. I just want for you to connect some of the topics or definitions from your textbook the Broken.
Part 4: Conclusion - Your conclusion should pull the information from parts 1-3 together and end with a broad statement about what you learned by reading the book.