Provide short description of the visual representation

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133337580

Based on the specifications and reviews. Identify who would use this particular countermeasure or service and why it would be appropriate for their needs. Illustrate this using an example of an online activity (e.g., banking, shopping) that could use this countermeasure. Create a visual representation in MS Visio of the activity to include in your short paper. Provide a short description of the visual representation, identifying the various information assets and the information states that pose vulnerability. How would the countermeasure that you identified apply? What vulnerability would it mitigate? What are its limitations?

Reference no: EM133337580

Questions Cloud

Regarding file system forensics-operating system forensics : Regarding file system forensics or operating system forensics, for forensic data, which one is better for evidence? File or operating system? And why?
Write a function that counts the occurrence of vowels : Write a function that counts the occurrence of vowels - Write a function firstLastMid that takes a string as parameter and then returns the first character
Describing countermeasures to mitigate risks : Explain information assurance needs, including risks associated with non-adherence to processes and describing countermeasures to mitigate risks,
What is network intrusion : What is Network Intrusion and how does it work? What is an Intrusion Detection System and what is the purpose of such a system?
Provide short description of the visual representation : Provide a short description of the visual representation, identifying the various information assets and the information states that pose vulnerability.
Data science profile or talent dashboard : The readings discuss topics such as a 'Data Science Profile' or 'Talent Dashboard' in the creation of teams.
Dystopian technologies that solve non-existent problems : Amazon, Apple, MS, and ... continue to introduce the market with invasive, dystopian technologies that solve non-existent problems.
Security perspective to protect from vulnerabilities : What are some methodologies organizations can use to solidify their environment, from a security perspective, to protect from Vulnerabilities.
Identify the response variable and explanatory variables : STAT 115 Probability and Statistics Identify and interpret the y-intercept and the slope of the linear equation in (a) c. Describe the apparent relationship


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