Provide secure systems for managing personal information

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Reference no: EM132268152


You are a Project Manager working for EdMedia International Pty Ltd (EdMI). Up to now, EdMI has been deploying educational videos and educational games on DVD/Blue Ray. In the past they held nearly 40% of the market share in Australia. Additionally, EdMI control the rights to more than 60% of the available educational videos and games packages available in Australia. However, EdMI's considerable market share has been eroding over the last few years. This appears to be due to clients wanting to access their educational content more flexibly. EdMI has therefore decided to investigate implementing a new media deployment solution, as a part of a key business expansion. This project is known as ‘EduStream'.

The proposal put to the EdMI Board involves creating a system, which utilises a similar architecture to the one implemented by Netflix and leveraging the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)The preliminary intent is to roll out a one-year Pilot Project that will establish the foundation for the EduStream system, and then expand on this through following project phases. However, for the moment the focus will only be on the Pilot Project.

The EdMI Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the delegated Project Sponsor, and he will be reporting directly to the EdMI Chief Executive Officer (CEO). You have been selected as the Project Manager. This means that you are responsible for implementing and overseeing the Pilot Project from initiation to closure. If the pilot is successful, the intent is that you would then assume the role as Project Manager for the following phases.

As a first step, you will need to deliver key project initiation and planning materials to the Board by 9:00AM on Monday 1 April 2019. These materials must provide clarity regarding the business case and outline how the project can be implemented successfully (once it is approved).


The objectives of the project

The aim is to create a stable, effective and user-friendly streaming solution, which will allow educational training videos and games to be deployed. For this Pilot Project, the Board has decided to begin by deploying Content Delivery Network (CDN) nodes in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth.

In addition to the streaming systems, you will need to provide secure systems for managing personal information (e.g. databases that include client financial information and usage records) that will be utilised to manage the gateways to access content. All of this infrastructure and the associated systems will also need to be protected by effective security systems (e.g. physical, application, network, data, etc.).

Key Issues to be addressed

To implement this project, the following important issues will need to be addressed:
• The Board is still not convinced that this will be a viable solution. The materials that you provide will therefore have to be detailed and convincing, or you may find yourself out of a job.
• You are not an expert in video streaming technologies, and there is no expertise related to these technologies within the company. Additionally, your expertise in establishing large scale web-front- end databases is minimal. Consequently, you will need to engage one or more experienced subcontractor, who can coordinate/implement the server and application related solutions. This will be a high priority. When conducting this selection process, it is recommended that you implement a weighted analysis approach.
• EdMI is not a dedicated technology company. Consequently, setting up ‘green-fields' (all new) data centres and systems is beyond our core business. For this reason, outsourcing will be important. You may also want to think about aspects such as leasing of equipment to help minimise up-front costs.
• In addition to the provision of the EduStream system, you will need to think carefully about the provision of ancillary services, such as the establishment and operation of a service desk.
Key Milestones
You will need to achieve the following key milestones, to meet the Board's defined requirements. Please note that these only reflect some of the pertinent high-level objectives. You will need to work out other key milestones involved in this approach. The subordinate milestones that you select must allow the following to be achieved:
• Begin developing informal team relationships: From 4 March 2019;
• Planned formal project Start Date: 29 April 2019 (this triggers formal allocation of project funds from this date - until this time other members of staff and contractors cannot be engaged formally on a paid basis - In practical terms this means that you have to do the initial work on your own, but you can ask questions during the workshops);
• Contractually engage one or more technical subcontractor: 24 June 2019;
• Finalise the Technical/System Architecture/Design: 30 August 2019;
• Kick off development of software and systems (includes procurement for Development and Test Environments): 2 September 2019 (Note: some preliminary work will be needed prior to this date);
• Commence Marketing: 9 September 2019 (build client base for Beta and User Acceptance Testing (UAT));
• Beta goes-live for the first Pilot CDN node (Perth): 6 December 2019 (Commence detailed System tests and UAT);
• Beta goes-live on second Pilot CDN node (Sydney): 7 February (Commence multi-site system testing & UAT);
• Beta goes-live for third Pilot CDN node (Melbourne): 17 April 2020 (Commence full system pilot testing);
• Full market opening (includes an advertising blitz): 1 May 2020 (The entire system must be stable and robust by this time); and
• Formal Pilot Project Closure: 1 June 2020 (submit final reports, etc.).

Your Team
Apart from you as the Project Manager, the Board has indicated that you will have access to the following people, so you can prepare the project documentation. You will be able to ask them questions as discussed below. These people/organisations will then be engaged as necessary to support the project:
• Jill Mars: Jill is the educational content expert in the company, and she will be available (part time) to help build/evolve the media catalogue/content for deployment through the streaming environment. Jill also knows the main providers of educational videos and games, so she can help you to define engagements that can enhance the existing library of materials (so the product becomes more appealing to clients).
• Dan Collins: He is EdMI's legal and contractual expert, and Dan can support contract negotiations with suppliers and subcontractors. Additionally, he can help with the development of the license agreements (e.g. End User License Agreements (EULA) that will be necessary for client engagement).
• Bill Haley: Bill is our expert on security issues and the associated legal requirements (e.g. implementing the solutions in accordance with the Privacy Act). He is an outside consultant but will be available as necessary to provide this support once the project commences.
• Marketing team: EdMI already has a marketing team of two people. The Marketing Manager is Doris Sykes, and her sales person is Jerome Dons. Both of them know their existing client base very well, but do not have any understanding about streaming and its benefits. Additionally, as streaming is likely to open-up the market base significantly, a different marketing approach will be required (e.g. mass marketing, advertising, etc.). The current marketing team do not possess these skills.
• Technical Development - One or more Subcontractor: You will need to select from three possible companies that can develop one or more system element for EdMI. These companies are: StreamTech, VidCon, or DemSet. You will need to discuss the issues with these companies, develop selection criteria, issue a single Request for Tender, conduct a weighted assessment of their responses, and engage the most appropriate subcontractor/s. Please note that the timeline for this contractual engagement is very short (see above), so you will need to start working on this very soon. Note: for this assignment you will only need to do the detailed weighted analysis.
• Suppliers - You will need to engage appropriate suppliers/service providers for the equipment, data centres and systems, which will be necessary to achieve the objectives of the project.
• Other staff - If you need any additional staff/expertise to complete the project successfully, you will have to generate proposals to the Project Sponsor, and explain the cost, time, quality and scope implications.

As you are not an expert in streaming technologies, it is highly recommended that you do some preliminary research into this technology. Consequently, in addition to reviewing the URLs listed on Page 1, please use the internet to do some background reading, so you can understand key aspects of the design and technology

There are plenty more of these types of video and there is also lots of pertinent information available through various web pages. You will not need to know everything about the protocols and systems, but it will be important for you to have a reasonable understanding of the technology, so you can manage the project effectively (this is a very real-world issue).


By the delivery deadline listed on Page 1, you must provide the following proposal information:

• Project Charter. The Project Charter must be included. Use the template provided in the LMS. Advice on the content to be included is supplied in this template.
• Project Financial Analysis. Provide the NPV, IRR, and break-even calculation information required to determine project viability. To develop these, use the Project Assessment workbook provided in the LMS.
• Subcontractor Selection. Use the weighted analysis worksheet provided in the Project Assessment workbook provided in the LMS. It is expected that you will include a much more detailed analysis of the issues in this worksheet than what is covered in the workshop. Think about this realistically.
• Project Management Plan. Complete key parts of the Project Management Plan (PMP) by using the template provided in the LMS. You will need to complete up to and including Section 4.2. The remaining sections in the template will not be required for Assignment 1.
• Work Breakdown Schedule. Insert the Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS) that you developed in MS Project. This must be provided with a work package and deliverable focus and go down to a minimum of three levels.

Once you have completed them, each of these files must be uploaded to the LMS. To help ensure that your work doesn't get mixed up with others', use file names which follows this convention: Unit Code-Assignment Number-the first three characters of your last name, your first initial, your Student Number-the file identifier. For instance, files uploaded by student Jun Chong would be named as follows:

• Project Charter. ICT508-1-ChoJ12345678-PC.docx
• Project Financial Analysis & Subcontractor Selection. ICT508-1-ChoJ12345678-Analysis.xlsx
• Project Management Plan. ICT508-1-ChoJ12345678-PMP.docx
• Work Breakdown Structure. ICT508-1-ChoJ12345678-WBS.mpp

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132268152

Questions Cloud

Stages of customer satisfaction survey : Outline the eight stages of customer satisfaction survey. Define and give example of each of the eight product characteristics used to measure product quality.
Where does the responsibility of is security typically lie : Where does the responsibility of IS security typically lie, and what are some of the ways corporate governance affects this responsibility?
Characteristics used to measure product quality : Define and give an example of each of the eight product characteristics used to measure product quality.
Did they have an incident response plan or team : Find out about the company such as how long have they been in business? Did they have an incident response plan or team?
Provide secure systems for managing personal information : Provide secure systems for managing personal information (e.g. databases that include client financial information and usage records) that will be utilised
Mixed and matched marketing communications : Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communication materials. How effectively have they “mixed and matched” marketing communications
How threat actors can evade detection via threat : Given the vast amount of known threat indicators and level of network activity today, automation has become a necessity.
What are the benefits of affinity program : What is an affinity program? What are the benefits of an affinity program?
Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles : Research at least two articles on the topic of the strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations.



3/27/2019 11:39:50 PM

The assignment will be reviewed as though it was a document forwarded to the Board. Consequently, you will need to ensure that your materials reflect a high professional standard (Remember – in the real world, you job can depend on this). The marks allocated for the Assignment will be allotted in terms of the percentages shown in the following table. Overall % of the total mark for this document Maximum scores allocated per attribute Content Clarity & Logic Project Charter 20% 14% 6% Project Financial Analysis 5% 4% 1% Subcontractor Selection 10% 8% 2% Project Management Plan 35% 25% 10% Work Breakdown Structure 30% 26% 4%


3/27/2019 11:39:40 PM

“The University regards most seriously any acts of dishonesty relating to assessment of University courses and research. This includes plagiarism, unauthorised collaboration, examination misconduct, theft of other students' work and misconduct in research. Acting unfairly or dishonestly in assessment is defined as misconduct under University statute. Depending on the seriousness of the case, dishonesty in assessment can lead to a requirement to undertake additional work, failure in a unit or in a part of it, suspension from the University or even permanent expulsion from the University. The University regards any form of cheating as a serious matter of academic dishonesty that threatens the integrity of the assessment processes and awards of the University, to the detriment of all other students and graduates of the University.”


3/27/2019 11:39:26 PM

This assignment is specifically designed to help you build skills that will help you gain fulfilling and well paid work in the ICT industry. Consequently, investing time and effort in this assignment is worth more than just getting a passing grade. Use this opportunity to go beyond the minimum and develop your capabilities, so you can build the foundation for a fulfilling career.

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