Provide research that supports the idea

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133095156

For this week's assignment, you are going to request funding for a new project from the executive level of your company. Feel free to be creative with this assignment, but remember your target audience and keep your presentation professional. I would like a PowerPoint presentation describing what you need money for and why (a new product line, upgraded computer system, new chairs for the office, etc.). Keep in mind that your executives are concerned with the financial future of the company, you will need to explain how this expenditure will benefit the company in the long run. Include a budget and a timeline. While the numbers are fictitious, you need to provide valid justifications for your requests, so provide research that supports the idea. The executives of every company have a duty to the stockholders/investors, so your justification will more than likely be passed along in some way to the annual report. Keep this in mind when creating your presentation.

There is no minimum required slide count, the content on the slides is more important than the number of slides. Include notes on each slide with a dialogue of what you would say if you were presenting. You could also choose to dictate each slide if you prefer. This is essential to a complete proposal.

If you turn in a Power Point assignment with 3-4 slides, normally this won't suffice for a clear and detailed Power Point Presentation worthy of an exemplary score.

Remember utilize the notes section, this is a requirement. Power Point slides should be short and concise bullet points. The main verbiage will be in the notes section of the Power Point Presentation. Notes section must be utilized for every slide, except title and reference side. Normal word count will be 150 words.

Make sure to include a reference slide using APA format!

References will be in the notes section in the Power Point Presentation, at least two references. You can use peer-reviewed articles and course material.

You will receive a grade for this project based on the scores from the following rubric: PowerPoint Rubric

Look at grading rubric and make sure you have met or exceeded the requirements in the rubric.

Reference no: EM133095156

Questions Cloud

Source of compensation survey data : You are the compensation consultant and wish to determine how much to pay a staff nurse, which source of compensation survey data would you consult first to get
Four different compensable factors : Four different compensable factors have been established to evaluate jobs in the firm: education, time pressure, customer contact, and communication skills.
How much was the gain or loss recognized : The entity recognized interest expense of $12,000 in the 2021 income statement. How much was the gain or loss recognized in the income statement
What type of model are computer simulations : What type of model are computer simulations and what is the primary use for these types of models?
Provide research that supports the idea : There is no minimum required slide count, the content on the slides is more important than the number of slides. Include notes on each slide with a dialogue of
Maintains medical laboratory equipment performance : You are currently recruiting for a lab manager at a clinical testing facility; the lab collects patients' blood samples and detects health conditions such as an
What is ABC profit - loss for the year : During the year, the company did not issue any common stock, but it did declare and pay dividends of $3,333. What is ABC profit / loss for the year
Explain the examples of orientation : What examples of orientation have you had as a new hire that have been particularly effective or ineffective? Explain.
Analyzing a complex ethical dilemma : Describe what ethical principles and processes you would incorporate into analyzing a complex ethical dilemma.


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