Reference no: EM132174050
Case - Country study (Burundi)
Note: Do not regurgitate what IMF say or Burundi's government's development priorities but do some thinking and come up with your own development planse.g ISI
1. A final summary or synthesis Policy Paper should provide recommendations for key strategic economic development policies for your case study country. The courses have covered a range of (sometimes) conflicting views of the best way to support economic development. Based on what you have learned about this country, describe the strategies and policies that you think will best support and promote economic development. Provide support for the policies that you propose.
a. A good starting point for the final ‘Policy Paper' is the World Bank's policy documents (Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework) for your case-study country. This can be found by starting on the ‘Countries' section of the WB website, selecting your case study country, then clicking on the ‘Strategy' tab on the top right of the opening country page. You may have to click through several further ‘summary' webpages to access the actual pdf document (which usually has much more detail than the webpages.) The WB Country Strategy will give you the ‘mainstream', post-neoliberal policies for economic development. You may or may not agree with these policies for your Policy Paper, but they are a good starting or reference point for alternatives.
b. Most countries have government-sponsored websites for their Ministries of Finance, Planning Ministry, or other ministry responsible for economic development and planning. Search using such keywords as "countryname, development plan or strategy". These documents may or may not be available in English (or with English summaries).
c. Rich-country aid agencies (such as the European Commission, U.S. AID, etc) often have some form of ‘strategy paper' for their aid policy for a given country. These can be useful, but are also more oriented to donor aid priorities and projects than the more general economic development policies of the recipient country.
d. The joint Government of Haiti/World Bank document "Investing in People to fight poverty in Haiti' provides an example of such a policy document (though this document is much more detailed and ‘expert' than you will be expected to produce. Citation for this report:
i. World Bank and Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale (ONPES). 2014. Investing in People to Fight Poverty in Haiti, Reflections for Evidence-based Policy Making. Washington, DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO.
e. You are encouraged to research other sources (such as NGOs, think tanks, etc) for additional or alternative strategies and policies.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar