Reference no: EM131846336
Assignment 1: Purpose: The purpose of this virtual assignment is to get familiar with the non-profit sector and a few of the web based information sources in the non-profit industry.
Task #1: Review the following 5 websites:
• Imagine Canada
• Charity Village
• Pillar Non Profit Network
• Volunteer Canada
• Association of Fundraising Professionals
From these sites identify 10 facts, data, or information related to the non-profit sector in Canada that might be important to a marketer (Identify 2 facts per site). For each, identify the source (website), and why this information would be important or useful to a marketer.
Task #2: Review the following 5 websites:
• Sick Kids Foundation
• Goodwill Industries
• Canadian Blood Services
• Youth Opportunities Unlimited
• One non-profit website of your choice
From these non-profit websites, provide 1 pro and 1 con per site from a marketing perspective. Look for ease of use, branding, messaging, ability to give, links, etc. Provide your reasoning for each pro and con.
Compile the list in a MS word document or PDF and deposit in the FOL dropbox titled "Assignment #1". Be sure to include your name(s) and section on the actual word or pdf document. The drop box will close at 5pm. This assignment is to be done and submitted individually or in pairs and will be marked as one of your in class/virtual assignment marks.