Reference no: EM133718895
Question: In order to assess competency following this course, the final assessment will require students to demonstrate their knowledge on the concepts covered by developing a portfolio in which students will provide real-world examples of social psychology theories and topics. These examples should come from the students' own life and experience.
unit 1: social psychology and intuition / careers in social psyhcology
unit 2: counter factual thinking
unit 3: over confidence
unit 4: Robert cladinis six key principles and factors that affect the likelihood to conform and obey
unit 5: competition and cooperation and leadership goals and styles
unit 6: the bystander effect
unit 7: physical appearances and implicit prejudice
Instructions for completing the Final Assessment Project:
Create a PowerPoint document. On each slide you will record two distinct examples for each unit covered in the course (total of 14 examples). You can choose the specific topics, concepts, and theories within the unit for which you will create examples.
The examples should come from your real-life experience or the experiences of those around you. It can be from direct interactions with others, your own experiences in social settings, scenes from movies that you have watched, posts on social media, etc. For instance, Topic 2 of Unit 1 deals with intuition. If you were to see someone relying on intuition to make a decision, you could record this as your example. Because you are relying on personal experience, your examples will be fairly unique. Therefore, googling examples and using those instead of personal experience will not provide the same uniqueness and personal relevance. It is therefore highly discouraged for you to search for examples online. Instead think of where you have seen these principles emerge in your everyday experiences.
Each example should have a visual image and a paragraph to explain the example. The visual could be a picture, screenshot, etc. The associated paragraph should be included in the notes section and should explain the visual, your experience with the example, and, most importantly, how it relates to the concept covered in the course.