Provide outline of rights and responsibilities for workers

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Reference no: EM132363722

Assess Clients with Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Assignment -

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions

Description - You are required to provide a written response in your own words to a range of questions/criteria that are in relation to Alcohol and other drugs.

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions:

Question 1 - Personal information must always be kept private and confidentiality must be ensured as an AOD worker, however there are exceptional circumstances where disclosing personal information is required. Provide two examples of an exceptional circumstance.

Question 2 - According to the Alcohol and Other drugs program workbook (available on Moodle), identify the key "principles of care" for people with drug and/or alcohol issues and coexisting issues?

Question 3 - In approximately one paragraph, identify the role played by Aboriginal AOD services. What services do they provide? Who can access them and who are their target group?

Question 4 - When a client first presents to your service you should gather information about them through a "screen" assessment. Outline a minimum of 4 points of information this "screen" will help you to collect?

Question 5 - Identify a minimum of 5 documents you would provide to the client and use to help you with your initial registration and assessment?

Question 6 - In approximately one paragraph, identify how you would determine a client's needs are outside of your scope of practice, and what you will do in this instance.

Question 7 - Identify 2 issues for each of the following that a person with Alcohol and Other drugs issues may encounter:





Question 8 - Consider your organisation's (or that of your professional placement) policies and procedures and identify approximately 3 reasons why you would undertake a risk assessment when a client presents with drug and/or alcohol and co-existing issues and the types of risks you would be assessing.

Question 9 - Identify four screening tools that are used to determine alcohol and/or other drugs use. For each tool briefly explain (in a few sentences) their purpose and how you would use them.

Question 10 - In approximately 1 paragraph, outline some of the benefits of standardised screening tools and identify where you can access them.

Question 11 - How would you select the appropriate tools for different situations and client presentations?

Question 12 - Read the following Case Study then answer the questions that follow in approximately one paragraph per question:

Elena is 75 years of age and has recently moved into an aged care facility. Her carers and support workers are worried about her dependency on prescriptive back pain medication and have requested some counselling from an AOD worker.

1. What are some of the ways the worker can gather information about Elena's dependency, include an example of the assessment tool that may be used and the process you will follow when using this screening tool?

2. What further information does the worker need to find out about the medication being taken by Elena? How will the worker obtain this information?

3. How is a multidisciplinary approach going to assist Elena's health and type of support? What avenues could be sought to obtain more information about Elena's health status?

4. What is the main purpose of using assessment tools when interviewing Elena?

5. What information should the worker provide to Elena regarding the issues (at least 4) that can arise from abusing prescription medication, this should also include issues that may arise from taking more than one medication at any one time?

6. What other assessment tool could the worker use to assess any psychological comorbidities that Elena may be experiencing? Explain the process that should be used for this tool.

Question 13 - In approximately one paragraph, explain why it would be necessary to determine a client's objectives and expectations and at what point would you discuss this?

Question 14 - Identify approximately 4 points of information you need to consider when determining a person's objectives and expectations of the service.

Question 15 - Read and consider the following scenario then in approximately 1 paragraph, explain if this is professional or unprofessional and why? Outline what you would do in this situation:

A welfare worker worked with a young person for two years. They built up a good working relationship after some initial hostility and distrust. The young person moved to another area and the case was transferred to another office and another caseworker. It has been six months since the first worker and the young person have had contact.

The first worker decides that they would like to know how that young person is doing. They use the client information system from their service to look up recent case notes and find out how that young person is.

Question 16 - The following terms are used to identify the patterns of drug use, can you explain what each of the titles means and provide an example for each?

Experimental -

Recreational/social -

Situational -

Intensive -

Compulsive -

Questions 17 - What sort of questions might a worker ask a client to assess their patterns of substance use and level of dependence? Provide 5 examples.

Question 18 - Using the Dovetail Drug and Alcohol Guide (available in your resources on Moodle) as a reference, identify 4 of the tools you may use when undertaking an assessment with a client who is a youth, include the purpose of the tools and what age they are suitable for.

Question 19 - Adolescence is a stage in the lifespan, usually divided into three stages where different developmental changes occur. During these stages of development, young people experience key physical, cognitive and social changes. Provide at least 2 examples of the changes that may occur for each of the following:

Physical -

Cognitive -

Social -

Question 20 - Visit this webpage to answer the following questions: (see attached file)

1. At what age must a youth provide consent for their parents to access their Medicare records?

2. In approximately 1 paragraph, explain what a doctor will consider when they see a patient who is a young person without the attendance of a parent or guardian?

Question 21 - When maintaining client records, you should ensure your case notes are prepared in a way that will enable their reader to clearly understand them, identify some of the ways in which this can be achieved.

Question 22 - When communicating with men and women individually, do you believe it is necessary to adapt your communication style? Explain your answer in approximately 1 paragraph.

Question 23 - Consider the following scenario of the mandated client, Travis. Provide an example of what you may say to Travis to encourage his participation.

Travis has been referred to you for an assessment as a condition of his suspended sentence for possessing Heroin. Travis is reluctant to cooperate and feels he doesn't have a problem.

Question 24 - A client may often come to your organisation voluntarily however still not be willing to actively participate in their recovery, what information will the Stages of change model tell us about this client?

Question 25 - When a client presents to your organisation, what tools and processes would you use to find out the following information:

Client history and pattern of drug use

State of client's current health

Co-existing issues

Level and length of dependence

Question 26 - What sort of questions might you use to assess your clients history and pattern of drug use, provide a minimum of 6 examples.

Question 27 - When working with the following client demographics, identify at least 3 factors you may need to take into consideration (identify at least 3 for each):

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Culturally and Linguistically diverse people

Migrants and Refugees

Question 28 - In a few sentences, explain what polydrug use is.

Question 29 - Identify at least 3 common effects of combining the following drug types:

Cocaine and MDMA/ectasy -

Speed and alcohol -

Benzodiazepines and alcohol -

Ritalin and methamphetamine -

Question 30 - In approximately one paragraph, explain what it means and why it is important to understand the pharmacological aspects of particular drugs?

Question 31 - Using the Drug Information resource as a reference, identify:

The major drug groups

Primary Properties (types of drugs)

The way they are administered

The effect they can have on the person.

Question 32 - Briefly explain why it is important to understand the current and emerging trends in drug types and their use and how you can source this information.

Question 33 - Provide a brief explanation of how each of the following intervention and relapse prevention strategies can assist people with AOD issues.

Relapse prevention counselling:

Withdrawal Programs:

Counselling interventions:

Rehabilitation services:


Therapeutic communities:

Supported accommodation:

Question 34 - Identify the two common stages of withdrawal and provide a brief explanation for each.

Question 35 - Identify 3 withdrawal symptoms people may experience for each of the following drug types:








Question 36 - Briefly explain how each of the following health issues can indicate signs of AOD use:


Gastro-Intestinal problems:

Skin Conditions:

Dental problems:

Cognitive abilities and speech patterns:

Blood borne diseases:

Question 37 - Provide a minimum of 2 examples of the effects AOD can have on each of the following areas of health:



Question 38 - What types of support can be provided to family and friends who are affected by people experiencing AOD issues?

Question 39 - Consider the following case study and answer the subsequent questions:

Tom has been using a combination of drugs over the past six months that includes heroin once or twice a day; marijuana two or three cones a week; and ecstasy every weekend. Tom says that he can't go out and socialise unless he is high on something.

What signs and symptoms might indicate Tom is using Heroin?

What does this scenario tell us about his tolerance and dose levels?

What health issues is Tom at risk of experiencing if he continues with this drug use?

If you were to assist Tom with recovery from his heroin addiction what drug replacement would you suggest and what information would you provide to him in relation to this? Explain the consequences and effects of the substitute/replacement drug?

Question 40 - Identify some of the ways you would recognise that a client is at risk of suicide or self-harming behaviours.

Question 41 - What risk assessment procedures do you need to implement when you recognise the person is at risk of suicide or self harm.

Question 42 - When undertaking a suicide/self harm risk assessment, what are some direct questions you could ask the person about ideation (identify at least 4 questions).

Question 43 - Identify a minimum of 4 safety planning considerations an organisation should put in place if they identify someone at risk of suicide.

Question 44 - What are some factors (at least 4) you could discuss with the person to identify their level of risk for self harm and/or suicide?

Question 45 - What legal and ethical obligations do you have when working with a person who is at risk of self harm and/or suicide?

Question 46 - Briefly explain when you should negotiate a no-suicide contract with a client and what the aim of the contract is?

Question 47 - List three statistics that demonstrate how common co-existing mental/ psychiatric and AOD issues are in Australia?

Question 48 - Review the Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in Australia report, available on the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website and answer the following:

What was the most common principal drug of concern for which clients sought treatment in 2016/17?

What was the common age of cannabis users in 2016?

What was the most commonly used illicit drug in 2016?

How many deaths where benzodiazepines were present were recorded in 2016?

Cocaine is particularly prevalent among which demographic?

How is tobacco most commonly administered?

Question 49 - Identify approximately 3 examples of referrals or assistance that may be required for a person with an alcohol or drug dependency.

Assessment Task 2 - Legal and Ethical Knowledge Questions

Description - You are required to provide a written response to a range of questions to demonstrate your knowledge of legal and ethical considerations in AOD and relapse prevention work and how these are applied in organisations and individual practice.

Question 1 - Identify 5 ways that you will uphold your client's rights when providing services?

Question 2 - Provide an outline of the rights and responsibilities for workers (including work role boundaries), employers and clients.

Question 3 - In approximately 1 paragraph explain duty of care and dignity of risk and identify how you will uphold these when providing services.

Question 4 - Briefly explain what the 2015 - 2018 National Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce Strategy is, its purpose and what the strategy's 12 key outcome areas are.

Question 5 - What arrangements could be put in place if a client you are working with needed to bring their young child/ren to your organisation on a day you are meeting with them.

Question 6 - Identify 3 reasons why it is important to inform clients of your work role boundaries.

Question 7 - Briefly explain what mandatory reporting is?

Question 8 - Briefly explain what it means to keep a client's information confidential, then, provide approximately 4 examples of maintaining confidentiality?

Question 9 - Identify the legislation that confidentiality applies to and how this would be implemented in the workplace.

Question 10 - What is meant by the term "informed consent"?

Question 11 - In the National Code of Conduct for health care workers, Clause 15 relates to keeping appropriate records - Identify what is required of a health care worker in relation to this.

Question 12 - The National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers outlines that health care workers are to provide services in a safe and ethical manner, Identify a minimum of 5 requirements a health care worker must comply with in relation to this.

Question 13 - Identify 4 specific AOD acts that are applicable to Alcohol and other Drugs work.

Question 14 - Guideline 7 in the Australian Community Work practice guidelines relates to professional development - Identify what a worker's requirements are to comply with this guideline.

Question 15 - How does the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) Code of Ethics principle in relation to discrimination, impact your practice?

Question 16 - Identify a minimum of 3 reasons why an organisation that works with AOD clients would have Work Health and Safety strategies in place.

Assessment Task 3 - Simulation Observation

Description - You will be required to demonstrate your ability to effectively assess the needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues. You will be required to demonstrate these skills with a minimum of 2 clients by responding to scenarios that the assessor will provide you. In addition you will be required to demonstrate appropriate communication skills as part of the simulated clinical scenarios as outlined in the assessment tool including:

  • Establishing rapport with a client experiencing Alcohol and other drugs issues
  • Assessing the client
  • Recording and providing feedback
  • Discussing referral options as required.

Assessment Task: Simulation

Using the scenario that your assessor has allocated to you, assume that you are working as a Service Provider in a Mental Health organisation. You are required to prepare for and conduct an assessment with the client using the appropriate AOD screening and assessment tools, you will need to record the results of the assessment and provide feedback to the client, then consider possible referral options.

You are required to demonstrate the following tasks as part of this assessment:

Task 1 - Prepare for assessment

Establish a rapport with the client using effective communication strategies and discuss their reasons for seeking help. You will need to obtain information regarding their personal details, the type of help that the person needs (is it urgent, do they require crisis intervention), their current state of health (physical, emotional and mental wellbeing) and their readiness for change.

Gather other information as required that may assist in establishing a basis for further work, this may include:

  • The person's motivations, goals and ambitions
  • The support network the person may have (friends/family etc)
  • Coexisting issues such as physical, sensory, intellectual or mental conditions
  • Legal issues for people under court/protective/statutory orders
  • Trauma issues such as those related to family violence, abuse, neglect or sexual assault
  • Their financial situation
  • Their living conditions i.e. homelessness
  • Any history of criminal, violent or aggressive behaviour
  • Levels of risk including: Deliberate self-harm or harm to others, Behaviours which expose clients to blood borne disease and Other drug use in the family.

Explain your organisations parameters of confidentiality and policy/procedures to the client, this should include providing them with relevant information relating to the rights and responsibilities of you, your organisation and the client, the privacy and confidentiality policies and procedures including the information that you may be required to disclose in the case of a referral and the requirement for the client's consent to do this.

Inform the client of the assessment purpose and process and confirm their understanding, this should be done using plain English and in a supportive manner. You should identify the assessment tools you are going to use and advise how long the assessment may take. You should inform the client that they have the right to refuse certain questions if they find them too personal however it is important to obtain as much information as possible to ensure they are provided with the most appropriate support. You will need to ask questions to confirm the client has understood the purpose and process of the assessment and request their informed consent to proceed with the assessment.

Task 2 - Conduct assessment

Identify history and pattern of client's drug use through discussion and questioning, you will need to ensure you use effective communication strategies such as motivational interviewing, open and closed questioning, positive body language and tone of voice to enable the client to be open and honest with you regarding their history and pattern of drug use.

Identify and clarify any co-existing issues in consultation with the client. The client may or may not be aware of any co-existing issues. Through a comprehensive assessment of their history you may be able to determine if the client does have any co-existing issues that they may be unaware of and discuss these with the client. You shouldn't be providing any advice regarding these issues at this stage, however simply collecting the information that will help implement a recovery plan. You may like to determine with the client, the possibility that the co-existing issue is the reason for the drug dependency or if the co-existing issue became apparent after engaging in alcohol and other drug use.

Identify the client's key familial and social relationships and how they are impacted by their AOD use. Building on the information that you previously obtained regarding their support network, you should encourage the client to further discuss their familial and social relationships including how supportive they are of the client's need to change and seek support. If the person feels their family and friends don't support them, you should consider what supports are available to them or if they are able to rebuild their relationships.

Assess current status, patterns of use and levels of dependence using standardised or approved AOD screening and assessment tools, you will need to select the tool that is appropriate for your client taking into consideration their age and type of dependence (drug and/or alcohol). You will be able to use your knowledge of the available tools to ensure they will capture all of the relevant information you require or alternatively you will need to undertake some further research into the tools that are available to suit your client, this may be the case if a Mental Health assessment is also required. You will be required to submit a copy of the completed assessment tool(s) for each client to Moodle for assessment purposes. Please ensure your name is clearly identified on each page of the assessment tool.

During your conversation and observation of the client you will need to identify and record any indicators of other issues that may affect work with the client. Other issues may include abuse and family violence, some of the indicators that you may take note of could include:

  • Unexplained injuries or bruises.
  • The person expressing fear of going home or being with a certain person.
  • The person indicating that there may be consequences for them if they do not check minor decisions with another person.

If the person doesn't provide you with any details regarding the suspected abuse, you should arrange a referral to an appropriately trained professional such as a psychologist.

Following your assessment with the client you will need to collaborate with other health professionals (your assessor) to discuss the assessment. You should clarify your findings with them including identification of other issues and discuss what your suggestions are for possible recommendations and referrals.

Task 3 - Record assessment and provide feedback

Record the assessment results according to the guidelines that are contained within the assessment tool. This will explain how to score each of the client's answers then provide you with an outcome. Ensure you understand the information that is contained within the form as it will impact on the feedback you provide to the client.

Considering your organisations service provision and resources, determine whether you are able to support the client based on their assessment. You will need to include this information in your report to the client when providing them with feedback so ensure you are clear in your reasoning of why you can or can't support them

Prepare a clear and comprehensive client assessment report (approximately 500 words) to be provided to the client with your feedback. You will need to ensure your report is written in a way that is suited to your client, only states the facts and is handled sensitively. The report will need to be typed up to ensure it is clearly understood, include page numbers on each page and include your name and date for file and recording purposes. Please ensure you record your name on each page of the report and include information of the scenario at the beginning of the report.

Using the assessment report as a reference, provide feedback to the client regarding their assessment outcome. You will need to ensure you use appropriate language and communication skills as well as allowing the client to provide their opinion on the relevance and accuracy of the results, this will help to establish that the client has understood the feedback and information that has been communicated.

Task 4 - Identify and respond to need for referral

Following the assessment and discussion regarding the assessment outcome with the client, you will need to make recommendations in consultation with the client regarding their required support. The recommendations may include support that you and your organisation can provide as well as those that you aren't able to fulfil due to organisational and professional scope limitations. At this time, you will need to discuss referral options with the client including the reasons for seeking a referral.

Determine other agencies that would be suitable to support the client's needs, you will need to take into consideration the type of drug dependence and patterns of drug use when considering your referral options. You will need to demonstrate that you have researched these other agencies and have a sound understanding of what they can provide.

Provide the client with information regarding the referral options including details of the types of support the services will be able to provide and how this will assist the client's needs.

Confirm the clients understanding of the support options available to them and discuss which service or services may be the most appropriate. At this time, you will need to identify the rights and responsibilities of the client and referral organisation to the client when discussing suitable organisations. This may include researching this information online.

Obtain the client's consent for sharing the information and make the referral; this will include providing the relevant assessment information to the relevant health professionals. (This will be your assessor for the purpose of this assessment).

Assessment Task 4 - Professional Placement Program

Description - You will participate in Professional Placement as part of the Diploma of Mental Health. You will be required to complete an Industry Placement Logbook throughout your placement. You will be observed in the workplace carrying out specific skills as outlined in the logbook.

This assessment must be undertaken in a work placement venue during your professional industry placement

You will be working under the supervision of an appropriate manager at the work placement venue.

For the identified assessment, an EQUALS assessor will observe your performance in the workplace.

Evidence to be demonstrated with 2 clients during your professional placement:

Section 1:

Reviewing existing information about the client and consulting with relevant workers within the host facility regarding the client's needs.

At the time of client assessment - Discussing with the client reasons for seeking help, determining readiness for change and establishing other information that may assist in establishing a basis for further work including levels of risk.

Discussing and providing information in relation to the assessment purpose and process.

Confirming client's understanding of the assessment purpose.

Using appropriate communication skills including:

  • Interpreting verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Establishing rapport with the client
  • Active listening

Section 2 - Provide information for each of the following that is relevant to each of your clients:

Provide a summary of the client's history and pattern of drug use.

Provide an outline of any co-existing issues the client has (where relevant).

Has the client identified how their key familial and social relationships are impacted by their AOD use?

Which AOD screening tools were used to assess the client and what was their outcome following assessment?

Based on the client's assessment results, what other professionals will the worker need to collaborate with?

Identify if there were indicators of other issues that may affect work with the client.

Based on the host facility's criteria, identify if the client will be provided with entry to or be exclude from services - explain the reasoning for their entry/exclusion.

Identify the services that the client requires which are outside the scope of the service and/or the scope of the worker.

What referral options are available for the client to access their required services - what is the process for this?

Attachment:- Drugs Issues Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132363722

Questions Cloud

Should the price of a healthcare product or service : Should the price of a healthcare product or service dictate that providers sacrifice quality of care to remain profitable?
Improve the forecast experience : What qualitative factors can be considered to improve the forecast experience?
What research resource requirements will bounce fitness need : Australian Adelaide International College-BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign-Australia-What research resource requirements will Bounce Fitness need?
Product design philosophies behind industrial design : What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly?
Provide outline of rights and responsibilities for workers : CHCAOD004 Assess Clients with Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Assignment, EQUALS International, Australia. Provide outline of rights for workers
Estimate the percentage of process output : Specifications for the computer upgrades are 76 minutes and 81 minutes. Estimate the percentage of process output that can be expected to fall.
Different steps in the procurement process : What's the different steps in the procurement process when it comes to their triggers, required data, tasks completed, and outcomes.
Determine the optimal order quantity : A mail-order house uses 16,540 boxes a year. Carrying costs are 60 cents per box a year, and ordering costs are $96. The following price schedule applies.
Six sigma based quality program : In which industry will a Six Sigma based quality program NOT be applicable?



8/31/2019 2:23:22 AM

This assessment will require you to demonstrate your knowledge of legal and ethical considerations in AOD and relapse prevention work and how these are applied in organisations and individual practice This assessment will be conducted as a written assessment individually in your own time or during class (if time permits). The questions contained within this assessment will be uploaded into Moodle and you will be required to formulate answers to each question using the space provided in Moodle.


8/31/2019 2:23:10 AM

Your EQUALS assessor will review your response to each question in Moodle to ensure you have met the criteria of this assessment. Please note: This assessment is applicable to the relevant legal and ethical knowledge evidence for the units CHCAOD004 Assess needs of clients with alcohol and other drugs issues (this unit), CHCAOD007 Develop strategies for alcohol and other drugs relapse prevention and management and CHCAOD009 Develop and review individual alcohol and other drugs treatment plans. You will only need to successfully complete this assessment once to be competent in the relevant knowledge evidence for each unit. All questions are to be answered in Moodle.


8/31/2019 2:22:57 AM

Assessment Task 1 – Knowledge Questions to include additional knowledge evidence. Updated “planning the assessment” and “assessor instructions” for Assessment Task 2 that identifies the candidate will need to include details of the scenario they engaged in as part of their simulation exercise on the Assessment Report. Other minor word changes were applied to “planning the assessment” and “assessor instructions” these changes don’t affect the outcome of this assessment. Assessment Task 2 legal and Ethical knowledge questions to further address the Legal and Ethical Considerations Knowledge Evidence. Minor Changes to Marking Guide to have one per simulation.

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