Provide new information on the chosen products competitors

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697449

Your individual task will be to contribute a section of the product proposal and pro-forma statement for the new product idea. Make sure your portion is 2 pages. In addition to sending it to a designated person who will consolidate all of the contributions into a proposal, this paper will be submitted to your instructor.

Individually, each student will create 3 to 4 slides (with 200 to 250-word speaker notes per slide) covering their portion of the proposal in slide presentation format to be pitched to investors. Make sure to provide APA citation and references for both portions of this assignment. Please add your file. Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria.

Part 1: Group Proposal Using the Small Group Discussion Board, the group will come to a consensus on a single product idea and develop a proposal of 8 to 10 pages addressing this new product, the state of its industry, and details of its market.

The group will also come to a consensus on the business model approach: intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial. Details about the character of the company, its contributors, of why this approach was chosen for this project should be included in the proposal. Provide information on the product selected, its market, and its industry.

The proposal must also provide new information on the chosen product's main competitors, how their product is different the competition, and detail the demographics of the product's target customer. Additionally, the proposal should include a company overview of pro-forma, its business principles, its contributing team members including details about their skills and strengths, and a basic pro-forma income statement utilizing business premier index.

This should include basic cost projections and other resource requirements for the product. Download Pro-Forma Statement Template. Each member of the group should select a section of the proposal described above. In addition, select a member of the group who will consolidate all of the individual contributions into one clear and polished piece upon which a decision to proceed can be based.

In addition to discussing the logistics of completing the project, each team member is expected to contribute the following: a minimum of 1 contribution about the product, its industry, market, its demographic, its competitors, etc. a minimum of 1 contribution about the company, its business model approach, its team member's skills and strengths, its principles, etc.

Part 2: Presentation Lastly, the group will prepare a 10 to 12 PowerPoint slide presentation to share the group's vision of how this new product will position Triangle Solutions as the market leader for years to come.

The presentation should provide sufficient details and supporting information to convince Triangle's CEO and Board of Directors to approve the proposal and begin the intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial development of the product.

The presentations should also demonstrate a solid understanding of the intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial approach that has been chosen. Additionally, include a title and reference slide.

The title slide (including topic title, your name, etc.) makes your presentation look and appear professional. The reference slide should provide APA references for information cited throughout the presentation and ensures credit is acknowledged for other's work. For more information on creating PowerPoint presentations, please visit the Microsoft Office Applications Lab.

Reference no: EM131697449

Questions Cloud

Difference between external and internal evidence : Discuss the difference between external and internal evidence as it relates to your PICOT search strategy - What databases did you explore
Woody woodpecker lumber company processes : The Woody Woodpecker Lumber Company processes 10,000 logs annually, operating 250 days per year. Immediately upon receiving an order
When a customer views an online cigar ad : When a customer views an online cigar ad, places an online order, pays online by credit card, then receives the cigars through FedEx delivery, pure e-commerce.
Relationship between market share and product quality rating : Recently, research efforts have focused on the problem of predicting a manufacturer's market share by using information on the quality of its product.
Provide new information on the chosen products competitors : The proposal must also provide new information on the chosen product's main competitors, how their product is different the competition.
Organizing or motivating the american workforce : How were these related to either organizing or motivating the American workforce? How did these influences lead to a disparity in wealth?
Supply chain partners more resilient to risk impact : Based on the supplemental reading posted in this week's folder entitled "Supply Chain Disruptions and Risk", is the author suggesting that companies.
Conduct hypothesis test for existence of linear correlation : Using the data in problem, conduct the hypothesis test for the existence of a linear correlation between the two variables. Use a = 0.01.
Address controversial issue currently debated in our society : Address a controversial issue currently debated in our society and relevant to the theme of Environmental Climate Justice.


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