Provide missing string as a single line in given text file

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Reference no: EM132360945

Computing Theory Assignment -

Exercise 1: Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions Syntax: The + operator in regular expressions is used in some books to denote one or more applications of Kleene star. However, in other places, such as JFLAP, + denotes the alternation operator, equivalent to j. For the purpose of this assignment, we follow JFLAP and use operator + to denote an alternation. In JFLAP, you can use λ or ∈ to denote the empty string (see Preferences menu).

For parts (i) to (iii), please type each word on a new line. The notation wi · wj denotes concatenation of words wi and wj, and wr denotes the word obtained by reversing w.

(a) Let R1 = 1(1*+2*)3*(2*+3)1*2(1+3)*2* and R2 = 1*3(2+3)*2*(1+3)*(1+3)* be two regular expressions. Whenever asked to provide words, these must be non-empty ones (and different if more than one).

i. Give two non-empty words w1 and w2 such that {w1, w2} ⊆ L(R1) ∩ L(R2).

ii. Give two non-empty words w1 and w2 such that {w1, w2} ⊆ L(R1) \ L(R2).

iii. Give two non-empty words w1 and w2 such that {w1, w2} ⊆ L(R2) \ L(R1).

iv. Give a non-empty word w ∈ L(R1) such that w · wr ∈ L(R1).

v. Give a non-empty word w ∈ L(R1) such that w · wr ∉ L(R1).

vi. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(R1) ∪ L(R2).

vii. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(R1) ∩ L(R2).

(b) Give regular expressions for the following languages.

i. L1 = {a3n+2bm+1|n ≥ 1, m ≥ 0, m mod 2 = 1}.

ii. L2 = L1-, where L is the complement of L (assume alphabet ∑ = {a, b}).

iii. L = {w|w ∈ {a, b}*, |w| mod 3 = 2}, where |w| denotes the length of w.

iv. L = {bnw1|n > 1, w1 ∈ (({a, c}* ∩ {a, b, c}*)\({b}*∪ {c}))} ∩ {w2c|w2 ∈ {a, b ,c}*}.

Exercise 2: Grammars

(a) Provide regular expressions for the following languages.

i. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(G1), where G1 is:

S → AcB

A → ac | bC | ∈

B → baB | caB | D

C → bC | ∈

D → aD | b

ii. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(G2), where G2 is:

S → ACS | ∈

A → aA | bA | bB

B → cB | ∈

C → bcC | acC | D

D → bD | ∈

iii. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(G1) ∪ L(G2).

iv. Give a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(G1) ∩ L(G2).

(b) Let G3 = ({S}, {a, b}, Γ, S) be a grammar, where the set of rules Γ is defined as follows:

S → aSbSa

S → bSbSa

S → aSbSb

S → ∈

i. Does there exist a regular expression R such that L(R) = L(G3)? If it exists, provide such R; otherwise, simply put 0.

(c) Let L = {c2n-1amc3b2m+1an|n, m > 0}.

i. Complete the following context-free grammar G such L(G) = L.

S → ccSa | < missing string >

A → aAbb | aBbb

B → ccc

Provide the missing string as a single line in the given text file (e.g., if your response is xSSy, submit a file with a single line containing string "xSSy" (of course, without the quotes)).

ii. Does there exist a regular expression, DFA, regular grammar or PDA over the alphabet ∑ = {a, b, c} which is equivalent to the language L? (Answer the following question as a string of bits that translate to 1 for yes and 0 for no. For example, if your answer is "no, no, yes, no" give your response as 0010).

Exercise 3: Automata

(a) Answer the following questions based on the finite state automaton M1 present in the JFLAP file FA-3.a.j available in Assessments section of the course website. Assume alphabet ∑ = {a, b, c, d, e, f}.

i. Give four strings of length 4 accepted by M1. Please type each string on a new line.

ii. Give four strings of length 4 rejected by M1. Please type each string on a new line.

iii. Give the language of this machine M1 as a regular expression.

iv. Remove any redundant states from M1 and adjust the transitions accordingly. Give your answer as a .jff JFLAP file.

v. Create an automaton M2 (deterministic or non-deterministic) such that it accepts the language L1 where L1 = L(M1) ∩ L((aca + aba + bab)*(a(ba)*+ c*a)). Your machine should not accept words that are not in this language. Give your answer in a .jff JFLAP file.

(b) Let L1 = {w|w ∈ (0, 1)*, w does not contain the substring 101101}.

i. Give the DFA M3 where L(M3) = L1.

ii. Give the regular expression R such that L(R) = L1.

(c) Consider the pushdown automaton M4 over the alphabet = (a, b, c} as shown below.


Notation x, A/X means a transition where x is the input symbol being read, A is the symbol on top of the stack that is popped, and X is the symbol pushed onto the stack. Here, λ stands for the "empty" input and ∈ stands for the "empty" stack symbol. Acceptance is by final state and empty stack.

i. Give 4 strings of length 11 over ∑ that are accepted by PDA M4. Remember to type each string on a new line.

ii. Give 4 strings of length 11 over ∑ that are rejected by PDA M4. Remember to type each string on a new line.

Exercise 4: Telephone System Design

Answer the following questions by submitting a JFLAP file for each.

(a) You have been tasked to design part of the internal phone system for a company that is expanding its operations from Melbourne to include a new Sydney office. Someone else in you're the team will handle the internal routing of the calls; your job is to design a deterministic finite state machine that takes a number as input and determines whether it is valid (or should be rejected). The input to the system is a string composed in the following way:

  • The first part is optional and carries the area code of the office you want to be connected to: Melbourne is 03 and Syndey is 02.
  • The next 2 digits are 94 (regardless of the city).
  • The next 3 digits determine the department you want to be connected to: Marketing is 555, R&D is 528 and Sales is 552.
  • The final three (meaningful) digits indicate the personal extension of whoever you are calling: Extensions are all in the range 000-059.

Besides the above format for numbers, your automaton must adhere to the following rules:

  • As with all phone numbers, you should be able to enter any digits after the personal extension digits and still be connected, however you must end your string with a # symbol to tell the system the input is complete; otherwise the whole number is deemed invalid.
  • The area code is also optional. If you are in Melbourne, you should not have to dial 03 to connect to the Melbourne office, so your automaton should accept numbers with an area code and numbers without an area code. For example, to be connected to extension 029 in the Melbourne sales department you would dial 0394552029#. However, 94552029#, 0394552029123456# and 94552029123456# should also be accepted.
  • Finally, as the Sydney office is just being set up, they do not have an R&D department yet, any phone call directed explicitly to the Sydney R&D apartment should also be rejected. If there is no area code you do not need to worry about this.

Any number that does not fit the pattern, as explained above, is invalid (and should be rejected).

(b) Several months later your company is again contracted to make some modifications to the system. This time they want exactly the same functionality, however now they would like the user to be able to enter their customer number after the # symbol. The only catch is that the customer numbers have been designed by an ex-Computing Theory student and are needlessly complicated! The numbers are split up into two parts of equal length; with the first part being composed of the digits 0-4 and the second part composed of the digits 5-9. These parts can be any length, but they must be of equal size (and they must exist!). The rest of the machine should function exactly as before. The company asked you for the simplest type of automaton possible as they want to save money. Remember that whenever we use PDAs, the acceptance condition used is both final state and empty stack.

To use a similar example as before, if your customer number was 123678 and you wanted to be connected to extension 029 in the Melbourne sales department you would dial 0394552029#123678. However, 94552029#123678, 0394552029123456#123678 and 94552029123456#123678 should also be accepted.

Exercise 5: Intersection of Regular Languages

Find the regular expression R3 such that L(R3) = L(R1) ∩ L(R2), where:

R1 = (ca)*a(c + b)*(ab + ca)*; and

R2 = ((b + c)*a(c + a)(c + a)*(c + a + b)*)*.

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Reference no: EM132360945

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8/26/2019 2:44:12 AM

Assignment 1, Regular Expressions, Grammar and Automata. Please read all the following information before attempting your assignment. This is an individual assignment. Answers to questions must be submitted in individual text or JFLAP files. The exact file names for all files must be used (including exact capitalization and le extension), as indicated in each question. All such files must be put inside a single zip file called your student For example, In total, this zip file should contain 25 .txt and 5 .jff files.


8/26/2019 2:44:05 AM

Place all files in the root of the zip file; do not place the files in a folder inside your submission file. Files with extension .txt must be text ASCII/UTF-8 files (not Word or any other format). If in doubt, please check the type of your files, for example using file command in Unix-based systems. Confirm it is in ASCII or UTF-8 format, and not in other formats like Little-endian UTF-16 or Rich Text Format.


8/26/2019 2:43:50 AM

When requested to submit a file with one or more words/strings (e.g., regexp or words), you should submit a file with each string on a new line, and nothing else. Do not include your name, quotes, dummy lines, or any other information or character (e.g., do not type “w1=abc”, but just “abc” without quotes). When asked to submit a “.jff” file, it should be in proper JFLAP format. Your JFLAP les must run error- free in version 7 of JFLAP. It is your responsibility to test your files in JFLAP 7 before submitting. Question 5 is a bonus question. You can still get full marks without answering this question.


8/26/2019 2:43:39 AM

Late Submissions/Extensions: A penalty of 10% per day is applied to late submissions up to 5 days, after which you will lose ALL the assignment marks. Extensions will be given only in exceptional cases; please refer to Special Consideration process. Special Considerations given after solutions have been released (between 1 and 2 weeks after deadline) will automatically result in an equivalent assessment in the form of a test, assessing the same knowledge and skills of the assignment (location and time to be arranged by the instructor).

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