Provide leadership across the organisation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132591581

BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

Task - Performance and Skills Assessment

General instructions
For this assessment you will be reading through a series of case studies about MaxVille and Pura, and then completing the corresponding tasks.

Part A
You will need to write an email to your manager outlining an organisational response to the MacVille Case study 1, including any changes to work practices that will be necessary to ensure a safe and productive work environment.

Case study 1:
MacVille is an import/export company that sells and maintains espresso coffee machines.
As part of your preparation for a senior management role with MacVille, your manager, Craig Jenkins, has asked you to review and report on a WHS incident that occurred in Brisbane recently with an employee - Gary King.

Your manager explains that Gary King is a maintenance technician. At 60 years of age, he is the oldest employee in the company. Gary is a technical espresso machine specialist who has worked in the industry for over 30 years and is recognised as one of the best and most knowledgeable people in the trade in Australia.

Recently, the maintenance manager took Gary to the company doctor when Gary complained of an onset of severe lower back pain while undertaking repairs to machines in the workshop. Subsequently, Gary was given four days off work by the doctor.
The job requires him to work in a repair section of the warehouse with other technicians as well as travel to customer sites in the company van for regular maintenance and emergency repairs. Espresso machines weigh over 50 Kilos; however, they only require transport to and from a client on very rare occasions.

The manager asks you to review the incident report. You are aware of the discrimination and WHS laws as well as the ethical issues. When reviewing the incident report, you note the following statement made by Gary:

I have had a chronic low back condition for over 25 years, but I have learned to live with it. I use a range of strategies to manage it while maintaining the espresso machines.
I usually follow a self-pacing approach, vary my work tasks, take short rest breaks and change my posture and position as required. I must have just pushed it a bit hard on the day of the incident.

Further down the report you note a few comments that Gary has made concerning his work environment:
• The work bench is a bit too high to work on easily.
• Yes, there are two-person lift rules but with many staff on customer visits there are not always two people left in the workshop.
• Repair tools are stored under the bench, which makes it hard to reach them easily.
• The seat in the repair van is uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time.
Discussing the incident with the maintenance manager you discover that Gary (like other technicians) has been given some very repetitive tasks that need to be performed for long periods in a standing position. The entire team is rostered to take breaks at a set time and the work is structured without much flexibility.
The manager also speaks of some new technologies in electronics that assist with modular component repair. This means that repairs can be done in-situ without having to remove the machine for dismantling and repair.

Q1. Your manager would like you to write an email to him outlining the organisational response to this incident, including any changes to work practices that might be necessary to ensure a safe and productive work environment. Include reference to relevant legislation.

Part B
For this case study you will need to develop a presentation using Power Point to communicate strategic directions and objectives for use with a range of staff and stakeholders. (You will not have to present this presentation)

Case study 2
You have been requested by your manager to develop a strategic presentation for use in recruiting potential staff and interns to your organisation.
The presentation should introduce the organisation and should in particular describe the new business centre being established by the organisation, as the presentation will mainly be used to recruit staff for the new location.
Some completely new staff will be employed for this venture, and existing staff will also be offered the opportunity to transfer from Brisbane to Sydney. The target audience for the presentation will predominantly be recent graduates seeking employment and current undergraduates seeking work experience. It may also include some current experienced staff of the organisation who may be seeking a transfer or promotion.
One of the key objectives your manager has outlined is that the organisation is about to establish a new operations centre in Sydney (current headquarters and only business centre is in Brisbane).
The strategic presentation you develop must describe both the current strategic objectives of the organisation (including mission and vision) as well as communicating the ethos and requirements for staff to be positioned as the new business centre.
Your manager has provided you with an extract from the recent board meeting minutes, where the establishment of the new business centre was discussed.

Board Meeting Minutes: April 4 201X
6.00 pm Board Room, Brisbane

In your presentation you will need to ensure that you have accurately identified the strategic objectives and mission of MacVille, and are able to identify the key roles and responsibilities for the realisation of those strategic objectives, particularly in regard to the new work unit being established.

Q2. Prepare a presentation using Power Point to communicate strategic directions and objectives for use with a range of staff and stakeholders. (You will not have to present this presentation)
• Your strategic presentation must satisfy the requirements described below:
• refers to strategic direction including market share and profit margins
• refers to organisational objectives
• outlines clear responsibilities to groups and individuals including ethical behaviour
• clearly links objectives, values and standards to responsibilities of groups and individuals
• addresses the expectations of the organisation
• uses media and language appropriate to the audience

Part C
Case study 3 - Presentation
This task requires you to read the case study below (case study 3) carefully, then create and do a presentation communicating organisational change to a work term outlining what it will mean to them. (You will need to present this presentation)

Case study 3
PURA is an engineering firm that has been in business in Brisbane for almost 30 years and has steadily grown in that time. Currently it is the leading civil engineering firm in Brisbane with 180 staff across two multi-story office sites, both of which are based in the Brisbane CBD. For the last eight years PURA has used a small in-housework team of 10-12 individuals to develop and maintain all specialised software used in the business.
The software development team has become increasingly profitable part of the organisation over the last few years. However, they use many work practices and work allocation approaches that are significantly different from the rest of the engineering staff at PURA. This includes things such as:
• job sharing (for some of the part-time staff)
• flexible employment conditions (especially flexible hours and time-off-in-lieu)
• flexible work environment requirements (allowing staff to work from home on any day when a meeting is not scheduled)
• casual work attire (compared to the ‘shirt and tie' requirements for the rest of the PURA staff).
The board of PURA have decided to spin-off the work unit as a whole and establish it as a stand-alone business entity. This will allow it to be more flexible and creative in meeting client needs, and hopefully reducing some of the friction between the team and the rest of the PURA staff.
You are the team leader of the current team and have just been asked by the board of the organisation to present the news to your team. The idea had been kept secret by the Board while they considered it, so it has come as a complete surprise to you. The Board has told you the following:
• The new entity will be called PURA-IT, and the Board of the new entity will have the same members as that of PURA to ensure that the new company stays as an important part of the PURA range of services.
• You will remain the team leader; however, an existing senior manager from PURA will join your team as the CEO and business manager. A small team of admin staff will work directly with the new CEO to support your team's administrative needs.
• New premises have been sourced in the new Brisbane City Council Green Square, a light commercial precinct that has recently been established just north of the CBD in Fortitude Valley (one train station, or approximately 15 minutes on foot from the main offices). All services have been organised for the site; however, the offices or workspaces have not yet been fitted out (currently there is still only one large open space, with a smallish kitchenette built into one corner and shower/toilet facilities). The Board wants to give the work team a sense of ownership and allow them to have input about the formation of their new work environment.
• The Board has stipulated that they want the work team to all work from the new site, and not from home offices for the initial 12 months of the new entity, to ensure that the team is able to establish a new culture for their new environment and remain a coherent work team.
• The work team is to begin operating in its new form within 10 business days, to align with the commencement of the new financial year.
• All staff entitlements and employment accruals will carry over to the new organisation, however staff will need to sign new employment contracts, as they will be working for a different company. As an inducement, all staff will receive a signing bonus of $1500 if they accept their new positions with the PURA-IT, and a further $4500 if they remain with the new entity throughout the entire first 12 months of its operations.
• All employment contracts will be for a period of only 12 months - this is a significant shift from the permanent employment status the staff currently have - the Board believes this gives them the flexibility to adjust staffing if the team does not function well in the new environment.
• The Board strongly wishes the whole work team to be kept together, however they are concerned that some staff may feel less secure working for a small organisation with less than 20 staff, so all current team members will have a choice to move to the new entity, or to remain with PURA and be redeployed within another department.
• The Board is asking for feedback on the current set of policy and procedures for PURA, especially as to how they fit the needs of the new work entity.
• The Board is also keen to know of any new technologies the team may want to work with which could help to ensure the team stays at the leading edge of software development. Some of the Board feel that large touch screens for all staff, plus touch screens and other devices in common areas could be helpful for improving the team workflow - they have suggested a couple of things to examine, but realise these maybe out of date for current IT users
• The Board is asking for news about this change to be kept secret for another 24 hours - as a sign of good faith they have allowed the information to be shared with your work team, but will not release the information publicly until they have received feedback and support from your team.
Q3. Create a presentation using Power point.
Communicate with and consult with the work team to manage the transition and establish a new work environment to meet an organisational need, during the presentation make sure you.
• describe the change and outline the reason why, including the global environment contributing to this change

• identify the positive outcomes available to the work team
• emphasis the need for secrecy for another 24 hours
• Allow for feedback about the changes and your alibility to discuss further
• Teams willingness to adapt to change
• Invite input about aspects of the change, which have not been finalised
• Take up of new technologies to improve workflow
• Types of spaces to be utilised in the new office space
• Revisions recommended to the policy and procedures

Q4. Create a feedback form to collect feedback from the team, make sure you find out the team's willingness to adapt to change and any recommendations they may have
• Collect all the feedback forms and submit with your assessment
Q5. Deliver the presentation to the team, this will be observed by your trainer, make sure your presentation includes how you will:
• Build trust and confidence with your team
• Be positive about the transition, convey flexibility and adaptability to change
• Display ethical behaviour during the presentation
• Gather feedback
Refer to the document "BSBMGT605 Task 2 Presentation Instructions" for information on how to record and store your presentation video. Once you have done that, copy the url link of the video in the space below.

Q6. Written report to the board of PURA of what you delivered to your team and the feedback you gathered from the team, include (you can use these as headings for your report):
• Summary of the change that is to occur
• Identify the needs of affected groups (internal and external to the work team)
• General concerns of the team
• Risk management - review the risk management approaches for this type of change and include the need for any adaptations to the standard operating procedure
• Recommendations

Q7. Draft an email to the CEO that can be used to forward to all staff at Pura, all clients of Pura and associated organisations that includes an overview of the change and the positive outcomes for the organisation, make sure you email includes:
• Describe the decision and process to manage the change
• Describe the external, global, ethical and organisational requirements being met by this decision
• Describe the improvements to workplace activities, particularly the use of the new technologies
• Use language and communication style that positively reflects the organisation

Part D
Q8. Using Case study 2 from Part B, prepare a plan outlining the roles and responsibilities for all the team members, the resources required and the work environment, use the headings below:

• Roles and responsibilities of each team member as well as the whole team
• Ensure that your plan empowers the team and individuals to fulfil their designated roles and describe how you will support their activities and initiatives
• Resources - describe the resources the team will require to complete the tasks that have been allocated to them
• Environment - Describe the work environment required for the team to function effectively with sound business ethics. Outline how a positive work environment will be created and maintained by this team, include.
• How the team initiatives and innovations will be encouraged
• How the ongoing open communication will be established
• How decision-making process will be transparent

Part E - Professional development plan
Case study 4
Your CEO has discussed with you your staff profile, outlining your skills, knowledge and experience. They have asked you to develop a professional development plan for the next 12-18 months of your employment with the organisation. You are establishing the new business centre in Sydney for the organisation in three months but will be personally mentored by the CEO for the first 6-12 months as you develop as a manager. Your role will include managing the entire business centre in Sydney, including payroll and HR functions, overseeing OHS practices for the warehouse, as well as overseeing and being responsible for all marketing activities.
The new business centre in Sydney will supplement the one already operating from Brisbane and will provide espresso coffee machines that meet the efficiency, reliability and sustainability needs of cafe/restaurant clients. This new centre will move the bulk of the organisation's import/export base to Sydney. The expansion is to facilitate growth in both profits and market share for the organisation. You are to follow the organisation's commitment to ethical standards and these standards are to be self-evident in the venture's operations and interactions.
The direction from the Board is that the leadership and operational styles should reflect the organisation's values.
? The organisation is committed to encouraging self-directed teams. Self-directed teams are the fundamental work unit of the organisation and every team member must belong to a team that is able to meet regularly to discuss issues, solve problems and appreciate each other's' contributions.
? The organisation is also committed to cultivating leadership and organises work teams around the value of promoting the growth of individuals by empowering them with knowledge and resources to get results, grow the business and to lead the markets in which the organisation is operating
Your sales and marketing background have given you strong skill sets in people and self-management, communication and interpersonal skills, sales and customer service, marketing and training. Your staff profile, as discussed with the CEO, is below

Read through the MacVille case study No 2 as well as the additional information in case study 4.
Q9. In this task you will be required to prepare your professional development plan, to ensure that you are capable of effectively managing the new work unit as it moves into its operational phase. You will need to write a report using the headings below:

• Interpersonal and leadership styles
• Outline three (3) interpersonal and leadership styles
• How do these leadership styles compare to your own (as identified in the case study) capabilities?
• Skills and knowledge
• Outline the skills and knowledge required to manage the situation effectively
• Compare these against your own (as identified in the case study) skills and knowledge
• Professional development
• Identify suitable professional development opportunities to improve skills as well as networking opportunities that could be accessed within your industry
• For each skill identified, describe the general outcomes, how it will assist the organisation and the estimated date, time and costs involved
• Create a timeline for the 12 - 18-month period for your professional development plan

Task 2 Role Play instructions

The assessment task 2 for BSBMGT605, will require you to do a presentation/role play based on the information you have been given in the case study ‘PURE engineering'. This role play will need to be recorded as this unit is being delivered online.

• Read the case study carefully and then prepare a power point presentation/role play to;

‘Communicate with and consult with the work team to manage the transition and establish a new work environment to meet an organisational need.'

• You will need to do the presentation/role play to at least 3 or more other classmates or family/friend members who will assume roles form the case study, discuss the roles and allocate accordingly
• Make sure that all the people involved in this role play have a chance to read the case study prior to the role play.
• Have the feedback forms ready for the participants to complete after the role play and make sure that you collect them all and submit them with your assessment
• Record the role play and submit with your assessment

During the presentation make sure that you:
• describe the change and outline the reason why, including the global environment contributing to this change
• identify the positive outcomes available to the work team
• emphasis the need for secrecy for another 24 hours
• Allow for feedback about the changes and your alibility to discuss further
• Teams willingness to adapt to change
• Invite input about aspects of the change, which have not been finalised
• Take up of new technologies to improve workflow
• Types of spaces to be utilised in the new office space
• Revisions recommended to the policy and procedures

Your trainer will be completing the observation checklist and will be looking for how you (Observation checklist below):
• Build trust and confidence with your team
• Be positive about the transition, convey flexibility and adaptability to change
• Display ethical behaviour during the presentation
• Gather feedback

Attachment:- Task Observation.rar

Reference no: EM132591581

Questions Cloud

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How would measure the performance of the type : Can tell Ron the appropriate answer and explain how you would measure the performance of the type of centre in which HR has been placed?
How much current flows through a lamp : How much current flows through a lamp with a resistance of 6 ? when the voltage across the lamp is 12 V
Outlines the leadership structures : Create an organizational chart that outlines the leadership structures and clinical departments at the facility you are planning.
Provide leadership across the organisation : Write an email to your manager outlining an organisational response to the MacVille Case study 1, including any changes to work practices that will be necessary
Is not easier to just depreciate the assets like do : We do not understand why this has occurred. Isn't it easier to just depreciate the assets like we do with Violet Ltd's non-current assets?
Experienced working for both male and female supervisor : During the course of your employment you may have experienced working for both a male and female supervisor.
Prepare journal entries to record the first subsequent cash : Prepare Journal entries to record the first subsequent cash transaction in 2006.Maja co. follows the practice of recording prepaid expenses and unearned revenue
How to create portfolio with any five stocks : How to create portfolio with any 5 stocks, and find its returns for the past 2 years. Also, find its variance and beta and analyse it.


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