Provide indication as to the overall aim of the dissertation

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13950932

Prepare a proposal first and then a dissertation which need to write 8000 words. Havard referencing is compusory and a MUST.

1) Research Aim: Provide indication as to the overall aim of the dissertation - what, in quite specific terms, are you trying to find out? This forms the overall purpose of the dissertation.

2) Research Objectives: State, in more precise detail, what you plan to find out which will help you fulfill the research aim? This will help direct the research and provide structure to the dissertation.

3) Research Question(s): Based around your aims, what specific research questions will you ask? This will form the basis of your research in practice; everything you do will be directed toward answering these questions. Remember to use how, why and what in your questions.

4) Literature Review Pt.1: Provide a brief literature review of the main authors and themes relevant to your topic. Indicate any models that you may wish to apply, test or review. This will help identify opportunities for study and direct your literature.

5) Literature Review Pt.2: Identify the main authors and texts that are important to the topic you wish to study. Provide a reference list in the Harvard style (use separate sheet if necessary).

6) Research methods: Outline how you will gather the information you need to answer the research questions. Is this a qualitative study? Or quantitative? Will you interview? Who will you interview? Or will you carry out surveys? Where and how many? How will you measure responses? Or manage a case study? Of which organisation(s)? What literature on research methods will you use to justify your selected methods.

7) Overview of company or sector: Briefly describe the main activities and strategic issues facing the company and / or sector you are setting your research in.

8) Discussion and Analysis: Describe what techniques you anticipate using in analysing the data you have collected and the questions you are investigating.

9) Anticipated Problems: Indicate areas where you anticipate problems arising - for instance in company access, questionnaire collection, writing-up etc. Indicate possible solutions to these problems and how these might affect your overall research.

10) Anticipated Timetable: Provide a rough timetable describing when you plan to complete the stages of the dissertation. Schedule time for: Initial research; literature review first and second drafts; completion of methodology chapter; completion of primary research; analysis; final writing up. Remember also to work in time to deal with the potential problems identified above!

11) Company Liaison & Project Management: If you are doing the dissertation as part of an industry placement, state what specific things they have asked you to do in addition to your dissertation research. Also state how frequently you have agreed to visit the company and how you will review progress with your company supervisor throughout the dissertation project.

Reference no: EM13950932

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