Provide guidelines on how these risks could be mitigated

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131995090 , Length: word count:3500


In groups of three or four, you will be required to conduct research on AIS/ERP Systems for your client. Your team is required to pick a case study in one of the areas mentioned below (not limited to). Then prepare a Business Report for the client detailing the processes of selecting an AIS/ERP to help them to make informed decision for investment in information system to take their business to the next level including:

1. Define business processes,

2. Develop business requirements,

3. Determine the systems requirements,

4. Software and vendor selection.

5. Determine at least three (3) ways which companies or organizations utilize such technologies to improve business efficiency.

6. Evaluate the level of efficiency of the technology implementation.

7. Examine potential security risks, data breaches.

8. Provide guidelines on how these risks could be mitigated.

The report should be about 3500 words and should be submitted in an MSWord format document for the client. Each group would be required to find AIS/ERP that addresses the different aspects of the clients' business especially the area of their enumerated challenges and should also ensure that the client's business requirements are addressed. You may also employ any analysis or design tool in the preparation of your report - so long as the results are suitable for presentation in the required Word document and are your own work.

Remember: this is a report intended to convince a board of directors to adopt your proposal. Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business.

Case Studies in the areas of: (The team needs to email the lecturer their choice)

  • Public Transport
  • Flight Centres
  • Real state agencies
  • Education
  • Library
  • Banks
  • Immigration
  • Health
  • Medicine
  • Pollution
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture

Reference no: EM131995090

Questions Cloud

Water reabsorption in the distal nephron : The distal nephron is able to fine-tune sodium and water balance because it can regulate reabsorption of sodium and water independently of each other.
Important in the diagnosis of neurological conditions : What is the function of this fluid? Why is an examination of this fluid important in the diagnosis of neurological conditions?
Studies on my kidneys to see how they are filtering : The health care provider has to do studies on my kidneys to see how they are filtering
How did european settlements in the new world affect : "How did European settlements in the New World affect people of European, African, and Amerindian descent?"
Provide guidelines on how these risks could be mitigated : HI5019 STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSIGNMENT - (BUSINESS REPORT). HOLMES INSTITUTE. Provide guidelines on how these risks could be mitigated
What response by the client indicates : The nurse is explaining to an older client about a creatinine clearance test that has been prescribed. what response by the client indicates that there.
Discuss five factors that led to further westward expansion : Before the American Revolution, England had prohibited colonists from migrating westward beyond the Appalachian Mountains.
How many drops per minute should you deliver : The tubing has a drip factor of 15. How many drops per minute should you deliver?
How did women respond to the challenges confronting them : What role did the evolving notion of feminism play in challenging these perceptions and how did it foster the passage of the ERA by 1972?



5/24/2018 6:38:31 AM

Subject: Strategic Management. No Of Pages/Words: 3500. I need this assignment by 5.00pm tomorrow, please reply as much as possible. Thanks. Submission Requirements: Research reports are to be presented in size 12 Times New Roman or 10 Calibri Font and double spaced. The research should include a list of at least 5 references used in the research report and a bibliography of the wider reading done to familiarize oneself with the topic. Submission: Soft copy to self-check and Final Submission with cover sheet.


5/24/2018 6:38:24 AM

Your research should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words. All reports must use the Harvard referencing style. Marking rubrics are attached. Appropriately choose an AIS/ERP that fits. understanding of the nature and purpose of the business. Information is well organized. Correct layout including times new roman, font size 12 or calibri, font size10, double spaced. About the right length. Very well written, excellent paraphrasing and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Introduces the topic of the research report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall "plan".


5/24/2018 6:38:15 AM

Evidence of understanding of the nature and purpose of the business. Evidence of understanding of the implications for the company. Substantial range of appropriate and current, supportive evidence. Logical, insightful, original discussion with well-connected paragraphs. Evidence of full engagement with the literature found, with relevant and detailed analysis. An interesting, well written summary of the main points. An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. Correct referencing (Harvard) All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list and bibliography included.

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